pelican是什么意思 pelican的中文翻译、读音、例句


pelican是什么意思 pelican的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. white pelican 白鹈鹕

2. brown pelican 棕鹈鹕

3. American white pelican 美国白鹈鹕


1. pelican crossing 鹈鹕穿越(指斑马线)

2. pelican case 鹈鹕密封箱(指防水箱)

发音拼写: ['pelɪkən]


1. The pelicans are diving into the water and catching fish.(鹈鹕正在俯冲到水中。)

2. The pelican is a large water bird that lives near lakes and rivers.(鹈鹕是一种大型水鸟,生活在湖泊和河流附近。)

3. We saw pelicans flying over the lake.(我们看到鹈鹕飞过湖面。)

4. The pelican has a large beak and a large throat pouch.(鹈鹕有一个大嘴和一个大的喉囊。)

5. The pelican is a popular bird in zoos around the world.(鹈鹕是世界各地动物园里受欢迎的鸟类之一。)




1. Pelicans use their large beaks to catch fish.(鹈鹕用他们大嘴巴。)

2. The pelican is a common bird found in coastal regions.(鹈鹕是常见的海岸地区的鸟类。)

pelican的意思是"鹈鹕 、鸟鹈鹕",还有鹈鹕的意思,在线读音是['pelikәn],pelican在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与pelican相关的例句。



例句:They came in a nice Pelican hard case with a wax cleaner, " oto- ease" insertion lube, name tag, and cleaning cloth. (一个硬盒子与一瓶擦净剂,插入润滑油,说明书,清洁布。)


例句:In fact, the prison island of Alcatraz is named after the old Spanish word for pelican. (事实上阿尔卡特拉兹的 就以鹈鹕的古西班牙语命名的)


例句:People wash a brown pelican which was covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana, June 6, 2010. (人们洗一褐色鹈鹕是涵盖BP的墨西哥海湾的石油泄漏,石油在国际鸟类救援研究中心伯拉斯,路易斯安那州,2010年6月6日。)


例句:Caption: Feather pillow: a rose pelican rests its head at the zoo in Wuppertal, Germany. (翻译:描述:羽毛枕头:在德国伍珀塔尔动物园,一只玫瑰鹈鹕把头靠在身上休息。)


pelican一般作为名词使用,如在pelican crossing((行人穿过马路时可自行按交通灯使车停下的)自控人行横道)、pelican crossings(n. (行人穿过马路时可自行按交通灯使车停下的)自控人行横道( pelican crossing的名词复数 ))、pelican eel([网络] 鹈鹕鳗;吞鳗)等常见短语中出现较多。

pelican crossing(行人穿过马路时可自行按交通灯使车停下的)自控人行横道
pelican crossingsn. (行人穿过马路时可自行按交通灯使车停下的)自控人行横道( pelican crossing的名词复数 )
pelican eel[网络] 鹈鹕鳗;吞鳗
pelican flower[网络] 鹈鹕花
pelican flowers[网络] 鹈鹕花
pelican hook速脱钩
Pelican Lake[地名] 佩利肯莱克 ( 美 )
Pelican Narrows[地名] 佩利肯纳罗斯 ( 加 )
pelican nebula鹈鹕星云
pelican pliers[医] 塘鹅嘴牙钳


1. People wash a brown pelican which was covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana, June 6, 2010. (翻译:人们洗一褐色鹈鹕是涵盖BP的墨西哥海湾的石油泄漏,石油在国际鸟类救援研究中心伯拉斯,路易斯安那州,2010年6月6日。)

2. Caption: Feather pillow: a rose pelican rests its head at the zoo in Wuppertal, Germany. (翻译:描述:羽毛枕头:在德国伍珀塔尔动物园,一只玫瑰鹈鹕把头靠在身上休息。)

3. We just get this guy sloshed and he'll be as blind as a pelican. (翻译:我们只是需要让这个老男人喝醉了 他将是盲目的喜欢鹈鹕。)

4. He found the dump valve, a mechanism the size of a Pelican dropship, just below the main chamber. (翻译:他发现了安全阀,一个鹈鹕运兵船大小的装置,就在主燃烧室。)

5. A brown pelican coated in heavy oil wallows in the surf on East Grand Terre Island, Louisiana. (翻译:路易斯安那东格兰德岛,一只粘满浓稠石油的褐鹈鹕在海浪中冲洗。)

6. After 30 years of contamination by DDT and other pesticides the Louisiana brown pelican is on the brink of extinction. (翻译:卅年来受杀虫剂侵害的结果 路易斯安那州的鹈鹕面临绝种)

7. But the judge rules to keep the injunction against drilling because he thinks Green Fund has proven its point about the pelican a federally-protected species, and that it will appeal. (翻译:所幸法官下了钻油禁令 他认为绿色基金会说得有理 鹈鹕是联邦保护的稀有动物)

8. Veterinarians working for U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services bathe a brown pelican at Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana, May 15, 2010. (翻译:兽医美国鱼类和野生动物服务部门工作的洗澡在杰克逊堡野生动物康复中心的伯拉斯,路易斯安那州,2010年5月15日棕色的鹈鹕。)

9. A pelican sits covered with oil in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. (翻译:巴拉塔里亚湾,一只裹满石油的褐鹈鹕卧在水里。)

10. A lawsuit on behalf of prisoners with mental illness in California's Pelican Bay supermax prison produced less than ideal results. (翻译:代表患病囚犯利益的加州鹈鹕湾“特号”案件结果不如预期。)

11. The Pelican was in this spiritual sense a valid image of the Christ experience and was used as such by the early alchemists. (翻译:鹈鹕在这种精神上的官能是一个经历的有效肖像,被早期的炼金术士使用。)

12. E-exactly. Oh, geez. Oh, gosh. (翻译:哦天啊 我在Pelican Rapids 进过即兴表演小组 照我的做)

13. Back at the pelican colony, the parents regurgitate ... partially digested Gannet chicks for their brood. (翻译:回到鹈鹕聚集地,父母把 消化一部分的小鸟 吐出来喂孩子吃)

14. Blum flipped past an evocative sandstone carving of a child and a pelican, then admired a griffin plaque. (翻译:勃鲁姆的视线飘过一块眼熟的雕着小孩和鹈鹕的砂岩,落在了一方狮鹫饰板上。)

15. Maybe, like the catfish, teamwork is the answer. It's certainly working for the flock, and this pelican seems to be getting the hang of it. (翻译:teamwork is the answer. 而这只鹈鹕似乎有些开窍了 {\3cH202020}and this pelican seems to be getting the hang of it.)






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