ciruela是什么意思 ciruela的中文翻译、读音、例句


ciruela是什么意思 ciruela的中文翻译、读音、例句


词性:'ciruela' 是一个名词,在西班牙语中通常是女性名词。


1. ciruela pasa - 葡萄干

2. mermelada de ciruela - 梅子果酱

3. tarta de ciruela - 梅子馅饼

4. licor de ciruela - 梅子酒

5. aderezar con ciruela - 用梅子调味

6. conserva de ciruela - 梅子罐头

7. ensalada de ciruela - 梅子沙拉



1. En mi jardín hay un árbol de ciruela. (我家的花园里有一棵梅树。)

2. Necesitamos comprar ciruelas para hacer el pastel. (我们需要买些梅子来做馅饼。)

3. Me gusta la mermelada de ciruela en mi tostada. (我喜欢在吐司上涂梅子果酱。)

4. La salsa de ciruela es perfecta para acompañar la carne de cerdo. (梅子酱很适合用来搭配猪肉。)

5. Las ciruelas pasas son una buena opción para un snack saludable. (葡萄干是健康零食的好选择。)

6. Preparé una ensalada de ciruela con espinacas y queso de cabra. (我做了一份梅子菠菜沙拉,加了羊奶酪。)

7. El licor de ciruela es una bebida típica de Hungría. (梅子酒是匈牙利的一种典型饮品。)

中文翻译:ciruela(西班牙语)→ 李子(中文)

读音: [θiˈɾ]

例句:Me encanta comer ciruelas en verano.(我喜欢在夏天吃李子。)




例句:This is online map of the address "Gui Lin Jie Dao Huang Ci Cun , Zhangping City, Longyan Shi, Fujian Province, China" . (这是地址“中国福建省龙岩市漳平市桂林街道黄祠村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


1. The poems and Ci-verses by Wen Tingyun expressed same emotional implication, but the aesthetic perceptions in them were different. (翻译:他的诗和词在情感表达上有脉络相通之处,而在美学趣味上体现出不同的追求。)

2. Can say, the ci Ba has heavy agrestic breathing, is representative's food of civil festival in Hubei. (翻译:可以说,糍粑具有浓郁的乡土气息,是湖北民间节庆的代表食品。)

3. CI-NLU Based Text Processing After Speech Recognition (翻译:基于全信息自然语言理解的语音识别后文本处理)

4. "Stories of wiping out injustice", written by Song Ci in the Nansong Dynasty, was regarded as the earliest medical jurisprudence monograph in the ancient China. (翻译:南宋时期宋慈编著的《洗冤集录》,被誉为世界上现存最早的一部较完整的法医学专著。)

5. The center will focus on the related disciplines of CI and HUMINT. (翻译:该中心将关注反间谍与人工情报的相关条例。)

6. Like you said, the higher the hill (翻译:Che se ci sta una salita dicevi tu...)

7. CI's got three people over there, they don't see a revolution coming? WHITE HOUSE, CHIEF OF STAFF'S OFFICE (翻译:中情局在那边有三个人 他们都没看到袭来?)

8. Summarize CI resul, prepare CI report and comfirm the result by your superviser (翻译:总结改进成果,填写CI提案,并得到主管的证实。)

9. The subject matter and style of the Ci-Poems during Dading and Mingchang mainly expressed pastoral and seclusion. (翻译:大定、明昌词的主题风格主要表现为田园、隐逸。)

10. Feng Yansi was a famous Ci poet in the Five Dynasties. His Ci poems are of great artistic value and take an important place in Ci history. (翻译:冯延巳是五代时的词坛名家,他的词具有很高的艺术价值,在词史上的地位也很重要。)

11. Objective To investigate human cytomegalovirus infection (CI) within the vascular wall of thromboangiitis obliterans (TO). (翻译:目的考查血栓闭塞性脉管炎血管壁中人巨细胞病毒的感染情况。)

12. The brief biography of Xu Anguo in Complete Collection of Song Ci Poetry was very sketchy, and half of the biography gave the wrong information. (翻译:《全宋词》徐氏小传因属草创,故较简略,且其中有一半是错误信息。)

13. " Jin Wang received the words: " " Tso " Ci-yi age support rich, naturally a book, not the Lord by the hair. (翻译:晋王接即言:“《左氏》辞义赡富,自是一家书,不主为经发。”)

14. As you can see thus far, there are many types of feedback mechanisms available for you to utilize in a CI environment. (翻译:正如您所见,可以在CI环境中采用的反馈机制有很多种。)

15. JIANG Kui is one the most famous Ci writers of South Song Dynasty. He made contribution to the development of Song Ci in many ways. (翻译:姜夔是我国南宋时期最为著名的词人之一,他在宋词发展史上的贡献是多方面的。)


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