atp是什么意思 atp的中文翻译、读音、例句


atp是什么意思 atp的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:ATP是三磷酸腺苷(Adenosine Triphosphate)的缩写,是一种重要的细胞能量货币,参与细胞内能量代谢,并在许多生物学过程中发挥关键作用。

2. 词性:ATP是一个缩写词,代表一种有特定功能的生物分子。

3. 常用场景:ATP在生物体内普遍存在,广泛参与蛋白质合成、肌肉收缩、细胞等生命过程。ATP还可以被利用为分子燃料,参与肌肉活动、人体运动、呼吸等过程。

4. 词组搭配:没有特定的词组搭配。

5. 相关短语:ATP的相关短语包括:ATP酶(ATPase),ATP分子,ATP能量耗散,ATP合成酶等。

6. 发音拼写:ATP的发音为[ˌeɪtiːˈpiː],其中eɪ代表长音“ai”,tiː代表“tee”,piː代表“pee”。

1. 中文翻译:三磷酸腺苷(三聚磷酸腺苷)

2. 读音:ā tè pí (ā tè pín)

3. 例句:

- ATP是一种能量储存和转移的分子。

- 在细胞过程中,ATP经常被形成和分解。

- 肌肉运动需要大量的ATP来提供能量。




例句:This scheme, known as ATP, is compulsory for all employees and is designed to top up the basic state pension. (这个被称为ATP的组合,对所有雇员来说都是必须的,设计的初衷是提高国家基本养老金。)


例句:Here light energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy in the form of ATP. (光能这里的阳光转化为化学能的形式,三磷酸腺苷。)


例句:AIM To investigate whether the dynamic changes of ATPase activities induced by thiopental sodium are related to its anesthetic effect. (目的探讨对大鼠不同脑区ATP酶活性的动态影响,是否与作用有关。)


例句:Like the ATP-powered molecular motors inside the cell, these tiny catalytic cylinders were essentially immersed in their own fuel. (翻译:这些微小的触媒柱和细胞内以ATP为动力来源的分子引擎一样,是以本身周围的液体当做燃料。)


atp一般作为名词使用,如在ATP(国际男子职业网球协会 三磷酸腺苷 农业贸易政策 阵列变换处理机 宇宙航行测试程序 航空公司飞行员运输证书)、us atp([网络] 无锡尚德)等常见短语中出现较多。

ATP国际男子职业网球协会 三磷酸腺苷 农业贸易政策 阵列变换处理机 宇宙航行测试程序 航空公司飞行员运输证书
us atp[网络] 无锡尚德


1. AIM To investigate whether the dynamic changes of ATPase activities induced by thiopental sodium are related to its anesthetic effect. (翻译:目的探讨对大鼠不同脑区ATP酶活性的动态影响,是否与作用有关。)

2. Like the ATP-powered molecular motors inside the cell, these tiny catalytic cylinders were essentially immersed in their own fuel. (翻译:这些微小的触媒柱和细胞内以ATP为动力来源的分子引擎一样,是以本身周围的液体当做燃料。)

3. The ATPase activity at the plasmolemma of the sieve cells of the branches of the upper part is higher than that of the basal part. (翻译:灌浆前期,稻穗上部枝梗筛管细胞质膜上的ATP酶活性比下部强; )

4. Meanwhile, ATP content of the phytal meiofauna from the rocky intertidal zone in Qingdao was studied. (翻译:同时还对青岛岩礁附植小型底栖动物的ATP含量进行了研究。)

5. Conclusion Apoptosis in the protoscolex of E. granulosus may be induced by dexamethasone and ATP in vitro. (翻译:结论与ATP联用可在体外诱导细粒棘球绦虫原头节细胞凋亡。)

6. Tipsarevic will make his debut at the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals on Wednesday afternoon when he faces Czech Tomas Berdych. (翻译:周三下午,蒂普萨勒维奇将首次在世界巡回赛年终总决赛上亮相,对阵捷克选手伯蒂奇。)

7. Objective: Study the influence on rat brain edema and ATPase activity with cerebral ischemia reperfusion. (翻译:目的:研究缺血再灌注对脑组织水肿和ATP酶活性的影响。)

8. Stigma structure and its ATPase activity and secretion in watermelon(Citrullus lanatus)were characterized using light and transmission electron microscopes. (翻译:用光学显微镜和电子显微镜研究了西瓜柱头结构、ATP酶活性和分泌活动。)

9. P23, as one co-chaperone of HSP90, could bind to HSP90 specially, let HSP90 bind or release the target protein by regulating the form of the HSP90 binding with ATP or ADP. (翻译:此复合体中P23作为HSP90的伴侣分子,能够和HSP90特异性结合,调节HSP90与ATP或ADP结合的形式而达到结合或释放靶蛋白的功能。)

10. Inhibition of ATP-activated currents by met-Enk in isolated DRG neurons of the rat (翻译:脑啡肽对大鼠DRG分离神经元激活内向电流的抑制)

11. The fixation of CO2 carried out by these autotrophs, in addition to ATP, requires reduced pyridine nucleotide. (翻译:除atp外,由这些自养生物进行的CO2固定,需要还原的吡啶核苷酸。)

12. The individualized protocol based on ATP TCA may be effective for patients with HCC after liver transplantation. (翻译:根据ATPTCA技术指导制定的肝癌肝移植术后个体化化疗方案具有临床应用价值。)

13. With the application of actual model, the dynamic simulation by the alternative transients program (ATP) is performed. (翻译:应用实际模型,使用电磁暂态仿真程序对电力系统可能发生的各种故障进行了动态仿真。)

14. To validate the hemodynamic effects and high selectivity of ATP as a pulmonary vasodilator. (翻译:验证ATP作为肺血管扩张剂的血流动力学效应及其高度选择性; )

15. Bellucci, ranked 36th, reached the semis of a Masters 1000 event for the first time. (翻译:排名36的布鲁西第一次打进了ATP1000赛的四强。)


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