bosman是什么意思 英文名bosman的翻译、发音、来源


bosman是什么意思 英文名bosman的翻译、发音、来源


1. 词源由来:'bosman'这个单词或缩写词的词源由于Johan Bosman,他是一名荷兰足球运动员,曾经效力于荷兰国家队和阿贾克斯队。在欧洲的足球圈中,他因一项引起广泛争议的判决而闻名。

例句1:Bosman ruling refers to a 1995 decision by the European Court of Justice, which enshrined the principle of free movement of workers.

例句2:The Bosman case ushered in a new era of player and club autonomy.

例句3:The Bosman ruling allowed footballers in the European Union to move clubs for free at the end of their contracts.

例句4:The Bosman ruling shook up the football transfer market, and continues to have an impact on the game today.

例句5:The Bosman ruling has been a game changer for football transfers in Europe.

2. 意释:'bosman'这个单词也可以用来形容一种自由转会制度,这个制度允许球员在合同到期后自由选择离开现任俱乐部,不再需要支付解约金。这个制度在欧洲足球圈中产生了很大的影响,其影响力甚至延伸到其他领域中。

例句1:The Bosman ruling meant that players were no longer tied to their clubs, and could move for free.

例句2:After the Bosman ruling, football clubs had to find new ways to retain their players.

例句3:The Bosman ruling revolutionized the way football was played and traded.

例句4:The Bosman ruling paved the way for a more open and free transfer system in football.

例句5:The Bosman ruling changed the landscape of professional football forever.

3. 可用于学术研究:'bosman'这个单词可以用于学术研究中,例如运动经济学,体育管理,甚至是国际贸易等领域。

例句1:The Bosman ruling has been extensively studied in the field of sports economics.

例句2:The impact of the Bosman ruling on professional football is a topic of ongoing research and debate.

例句3:The Bosman ruling has significant implications for the management of sports teams and leagues.

例句4:The Bosman ruling has important implications for the regulation of international trade in sports.

例句5:The Bosman ruling raises important questions about the role of the European Court of Justice in shaping sports policy.

4. 与其他行业的联系:'bosman'这个单词或缩写词也可以用于其他行业中,例如音乐、电影等领域。

例句1:In the music industry, the Bosman ruling has allowed artists greater to choose their record labels.

例句2:The Bosman ruling has been compared to the landmark court decision that broke up the Hollywood studio system.

例句3:The Bosman ruling has led to changes in how intellectual property rights are negotiated in the film industry.

例句4:The Bosman ruling has been used as a model for labor rights advocates in other industries.

例句5:The Bosman ruling has inspired similar legal challenges in other sports and industries.

5. 文化交流:'bosman'这个单词或缩写词也可以促进不同文化之间的交流和理解,因为它代表了一种融合和创新的精神。

例句1:The Bosman ruling is an example of how legal decisions can have a profound impact on culture and society.

例句2:The Bosman ruling reflects the changing attitudes towards individual autonomy and in Europe.

例句3:The Bosman ruling has fostered a greater sense of community and shared values among European football fans.

例句4:The Bosman ruling has encouraged a more diverse and inclusive approach to professional sports.

例句5:The Bosman ruling has opened up new avenues for cultural exchange and collaboration between different countries and regions.



1. Mr. Bosman is a renowned architect in the city. (Bosman先生是城市著名的建筑师。)

2. The Bosman family is organizing a reunion next month. (Bosman家族下个月要举行聚会。)




例句:The greatest push to free movement of labor in soccer came in 1995 after the so-called Bosman ruling. (1995年博斯曼法案的出台是足球界球员自由流动的最大推动力。)


例句:Back then, too, there was also the three foreign player rule, which was ended for 1996-97 onwards by the Bosman ruling. (那时候也有限制外援的规定。1996-97赛季由于博斯曼法案被废除。)


例句:Mr. Van Gogh, we have Dr. Bosman's report on your progress here. (梵高先生,我们审议了波茨曼博士 关于您的学业的报告)



bosman一般作为名词使用,如在Bosman(人名 法 意 罗 瑞典 南非 博斯曼)、the Bosman ruling([网络] 博斯曼统治)等常见短语中出现较多。

Bosman人名 法 意 罗 瑞典 南非 博斯曼
the Bosman ruling[网络] 博斯曼统治


1. Mr. Van Gogh, we have Dr. Bosman's report on your progress here. (翻译:梵高先生,我们审议了波茨曼博士 关于您的学业的报告)




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