threshing是什么意思 threshing的中文翻译、读音、例句


threshing是什么意思 threshing的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义 - Threshing指的是使用机器或工具来将谷物从它们的外壳中分离出来的过程。这是谷物加工中的一个重骤,可以使它们更容易储存、运输和使用。

2. 工具和机器 - Threshing可以使用各种工具和机器来完成。在过去,人们使用石头、槌子和木制工具来手动完成这个过程。现在,大多数农民都使用谷物收割机来完成这个过程,这些机器可以同时收割、脱粒和清理谷物。

3. 作为比喻 - Threshing也可以用于比喻某个过程中的分离或分离。例如,人们可能会谈论'threshing out'一个想法,以指的是讨论和筛选出一个想法的各个方面,以便得出最佳的方案。


1. The farmer was getting ready to start threshing the wheat crop.(这位农民正准备开始脱粒小麦庄稼。)

2. After the threshing was finished, the rice grains were sent to a mill to be processed.(脱粒结束后,稻谷被送到磨坊加工。)

3. The group spent the whole afternoon threshing out the details of their plan.(这个团队花了整个下午来讨论他们计划的细节。)

4. The threshing machine broke down halfway through the harvest.(收割过程中,脱粒机中途坏了。)

5. Threshing is an important step in the production of grain-based foods.(脱粒是谷物制品生产的重骤。)



1. They spent the whole day threshing the wheat in the field.


2. The old man still remembers the traditional way of threshing grain.





例句:At that time, when David saw that the LORD had answered him at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, he sacrificed there. (那时,大卫见在耶布斯人阿珥楠的禾场上应允了他,就在那里献祭。)


例句:Now he runs his mouth off like a threshing machine just so he doesn't have to hear himself think. (现在,他跑他的嘴关闭 像谷机 只是让他没有来 听到自己的想法。)


例句:Too bad! We'd just got the wheat to the threshing ground when it started to rain. (真差劲, 麦子刚上场就下起雨来了。)


例句:The utility model can be used for threshing paddy rice and removing roots for peanuts with favorable effect and high efficiency. (翻译:它既可用于稻谷脱粒,又可用于花生果脱根,且用于花生脱根时效果好,效率高。)


threshing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在hand threshing(手脱粒)、manual threshing(手脱粒)、mechanized threshing(机械脱谷)等常见短语中出现较多。

hand threshing手脱粒
manual threshing手脱粒
mechanized threshing机械脱谷
methods of threshing脱粒方法
threshing barn脱谷板棚
threshing board脱粒板
threshing bucket打谷桶
threshing chamber脱粒室
threshing cylinder脱粒筒
threshing drum打谷筒


1. Too bad! We'd just got the wheat to the threshing ground when it started to rain. (翻译:真差劲, 麦子刚上场就下起雨来了。)

2. The utility model can be used for threshing paddy rice and removing roots for peanuts with favorable effect and high efficiency. (翻译:它既可用于稻谷脱粒,又可用于花生果脱根,且用于花生脱根时效果好,效率高。)

3. When they reached the threshing floor of Atad, near the Jordan, they lamented loudly and bitterly; and there Joseph observed a seven-day period of mourning for his father. (翻译:他们到了约但河外、亚达的禾场,就在那里大大的号啕痛哭。约瑟为他父亲哀哭了七天。)

4. The conference was held at a threshing ground on the west of the big yard and the rostrum was on old foundations with cloth tents above it. (翻译:会议是在大院西边的一个打谷场上召开的,台设在附近的一个旧房基上,上边搭了布棚。)

5. You must set aside one loaf as the first fruits of your grain, and set this offering aside like the one set aside from your threshing. (翻译:由初熟的麦面团中,献一个饼作礼品,有如奉献才从禾场打下之物一样。)

6. The thresher has the advantages of higher percentage of threshing and no damage of the corn cobs. (翻译:本脱粒机不但脱粒率较高,而且玉米芯又不会破损。)

7. So he left, and the farm-workers started the afternoon's threshing. It went on until the evening, as the work had to be finished that day. (翻译:于是他离开了,农场工人又开始了下午打谷的活儿。因为这活儿必须在今天干完,所以一直持续到晚上。)

8. Then the angel of the Lord ordered Gad to tell David to go up and build an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. (翻译:的使者吩咐迦得去告诉大卫,叫他上去,在耶布斯人阿珥楠的禾场上为筑一座坛;)

9. It is very difficult for the fonio producers today to sell and use fonio unless they devote a huge amount of time and energy in threshing, winnowing and husking it. (翻译:现今,非洲全小米制造商很难去 销售和使用非洲全小米, 除非他们投入大量的时间和精力, 去打谷、簸选、除去外壳。)

10. The fox saw that the threshing-floor was full of husked grain and decided to deceive the ant and take all the grain. (翻译:狐狸看到打谷场上堆满了金灿灿的麦粒,便打定主意去欺骗蚂蚁,想把所有的粮食都弄到自己的手里。)

11. The fox saw that the threshing-floor was full of husked grain and decided to deceive the ant and take all the grain. (翻译:狐狸看到打谷场上堆满了金灿灿的麦粒,便打定主意去欺骗蚂蚁,想把所有的粮食都弄到自己的手里。)

12. Threshing unit is one of the core parts of the combine, which has direct influence on the working performance of the combine or other parts. (翻译:脱粒装置是联合收割机的核心部件之一,它直接影响整机和其它部件的工作性能。)

13. And Ornan turned back, and saw the angel; and his four sons with him hid themselves. Now Ornan was threshing wheat. (翻译:那时阿珥楠正打麦子,回头看见天使,就和他四个儿子都藏起来了。)

14. We've got to finish the threshing while the good weather lasts. (翻译:得赶好天把场打完。)

15. In nearby Budesti there's a Heath Robinson-esque waterwheel that powers a threshing machine that would belong in a museum over here. (翻译:在布德斯提附近有一架很花哨的水车,这架驱动打谷机的水车属于当地的一个博物馆。)




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