cystacanth是什么意思 cystacanth的中文翻译、读音、例句

cystacanth在中文中有"囊棘、感染性棘头体"的意思,在日常中也代表"胞棘蚴"的意思,发音音标为[美 ],cystacanth是一个英语名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到45个与cystacanth相关的近义词和例句。

cystacanth是什么意思 cystacanth的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Tuesday, the 11 th of September. (Tuesday, the 11 th of September.)


例句:Miguel Fidalgo Marcos in 10th. (Miguel Fidalgo Marcos,10th.)


例句:The default reports provided with this report include the summary and the 85th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. (它所提供的默认报告包括概要和85th、90th以及95th百分点。)


1. The default reports provided with this report include the summary and the 85th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. (翻译:它所提供的默认报告包括概要和85th、90th以及95th百分点。)

2. OK, then, in the first part of the 19th century... (翻译:in the first part of the 19th century...)

3. Well, I know three of these brothers. (翻译:I know three of these brothers. Th)

4. Okay, I need you to be at Amelia Street between 18th and 19th in 90 seconds. (翻译:Okay, I need you to be at Amelia Street between 18th and 19th in 90 seconds.)

5. Follow-up MRI demonstrated a cystic structure consistent with a posterior mediastinal cystic hygroma and was atypical for both a neurenteric cyst and a duplication cyst. (翻译:进一步的MRI检查显示符合后纵隔水囊状淋巴管瘤的囊状结构和不典型的神经管原肠囊肿及重复性囊肿。)

6. Conclusion:The pericystic layer of hepatic hydatid cyst can be separated into two layers with different formative mechanism; (翻译:结论:肝包虫周围纤维性囊壁可分为内层和外层,且各自形成机制不同; )

7. Conclusion: the concentration of the blood cadmium intends to decrease the level of TH1, TH2 in the children peripheral blood. (翻译:结论:血镉含量增高会降低儿童外周血th1、TH2细胞数水平。)

8. Dentigerous cyst (DC) is a common odontogenic cyst developed abnormally around unerupted maxillary or mandibular teeth. (翻译:含牙囊肿是一种常见于上下颚阻生齿周围发育异常的齿源性囊肿。)

9. TH17 cells can cause autoimmune disease, and gut microbes can induce the production of these cells in the intestine. (翻译:TH17细胞可以引发自身免疫性疾病,而肠道微生物可以促进TH17细胞在肠道形成。)

10. TH: And what Penelope says here is even more true. (翻译:TH:Penelop说的 再真实不过了。)

11. Results All 4 cases demonstrated dilation of nasolacrimal duct, a cyst in the medial canthus, and a submucosal cyst within the nasal cavity. (翻译:结果典型CT表现为单侧或双侧不同程度的鼻泪管扩张以及与之相延续的内眦区囊肿和鼻腔内黏膜下囊肿。)

12. I'm always confused with "s" and "th". (翻译:我常把s和th搞混。)

13. You can visit him at the ITC on 126th where he works. (翻译:他在126号大街的ITC上班 {\3cH202020}You can visit him at the ITC on 126th where he works.)

14. I can tell you exactly. September 18th. (翻译:9月18号 我很确定 {\3cH202020}i can tell you exactly september 18th.)

15. My father is in the 27th army. (翻译:My father is in the 27th army.)


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