wrought是什么意思 wrought的中文翻译、读音、例句


wrought是什么意思 wrought的中文翻译、读音、例句

Wrought is a versatile word in English language that has a few different meanings and applications. Below are four key aspects to consider when discussing the term:

1. Definition and Usage

Wrought is the past participle of the verb "wreak," which means to cause or inflict something, usually in a negative way. However, it is more commonly used as an adjective to describe something that has been worked on, shaped or created with effort, often used to describe metalwork or other crafts. It can also be used to describe an emotion, indicating that it has been deeply felt or experienced.

2. Etymology and Origin

The word wrought comes from the Old English word "geworht," which means "worked" or "crafted." It has been used in English since the 13th century and has been applied to different crafts and materials over time. In modern English, it is commonly used in the context of metalworking.

3. Variants and Alternative Spellings

Wrought has a few different spellings depending on the context, but all of them are ounced the same way. Some alternative spellings include "roth" and "rawt." In some instances, it can also be shortened to "w't."

4. Examples in Sentences

Below are five examples of how the word "wrought" can be used in both English and Chinese:

- The blacksmith wrought a beautiful chandelier out of iron. (铁匠用铁做了一个漂亮的吊灯。)

- The students were wrought with emotion as they prepared to perform on stage. (学生们准备上台演出,情绪激动。)

- The wrought iron gate added a touch of elegance to the garden. (铁艺大门为花园增添了一丝优雅。)

- The storm wrought havoc on the small town, leaving many homes destroyed. (暴风雨给小镇带来巨大的,许多房屋被毁。)

- The artist's hand-wrought necklace was a one-of-a-kind piece that caught everyone's attention. (艺术家亲手制作的项链是一件独一无二的作品,引起了所有人的注意。)


英 [rɔːt] 美 [rɔːt]


v. 制造,锻造;使变形;发挥出(情感);n. 制品


1. He had already wrought a change in the way she dressed.


2. The metal was wrought into a beautiful ornament.


3. The work that a man does is steel wrought and rugged.


4. His words wrought a great impression on me.





例句:enclosed in zinc-dichromate-plated, wrought-steel case, and strike that suits frame. (封闭在镀重铬酸锌的锻造钢盒子里,适合框架。)


例句:He made her a girdle of finely wrought gold and wove magic into the filigree work. (他用精金为她做了一条腰带,并将其施以魔法。)


例句:But a spider's web is very frail. It is curiously wrought, but not enduringly manufactured. (蜘蛛网是脆弱不牢固的,扫把随便一挥,它就不存在。)


例句:The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought-iron fence. (翻译:这个小墓地被一道生锈的锻铁栅栏围着。)


wrought一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在hand wrought(adj. 手工制成的;手工的)、hard wrought(adj. 冷加工的)、iron wrought(熟铁)等常见短语中出现较多。

hand wroughtadj. 手工制成的;手工的
hard wroughtadj. 冷加工的
iron wrought熟铁
rough wroughtadj. 经初步加工的,粗制的
sinter wrought烧结锻体
steel wrought锻轧钢
wrought alloy[化] 可锻合金
wrought alloys【冶金学】锻造合金
wrought aluminium锻铝;熟铝


1. But a spider's web is very frail. It is curiously wrought, but not enduringly manufactured. (翻译:蜘蛛网是脆弱不牢固的,扫把随便一挥,它就不存在。)

2. The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought-iron fence. (翻译:这个小墓地被一道生锈的锻铁栅栏围着。)

3. The storm wrought havoc in the south. (翻译:这场暴风雨在南方造成了巨大的灾害。)

4. We have noted the terrible devastation wrought by the Superfortresses from Saipan. (翻译:我们已经看到,从塞班岛起飞的超级空中堡垒,已造成极其严重的。)

5. But Omri wrought evil in the eyes of the LORD, and did worse than all that were before him. (翻译:暗利行眼中看为恶的事,比他以前的列王作恶更甚。)

6. Their fishing is generally more selective and sustainable than the indiscriminate destruction too often wrought by bigger industrial boats. (翻译:他们的打捞一般比那些经常进行 肆意捕捞的、更大型的工业大船 更具选择性和可持续性。)

7. The poplar trees lined the redbrick driveway, which led to a pair of wrought-iron gates. (翻译:红砖砌成的车道两旁长满了白杨树,一直通向两扇铁门。)

8. Give me your favour, my dull brain was wrought with things forgotten. (翻译:原谅我我的迟钝的脑筋刚才偶然想起了 一些已经忘记了的事情)

9. This century wrought major changes in our society. (翻译:本世纪给我们的社会带来了重大变革。)

10. What fruit have they wrought? (翻译:他们能做成什么? What fruit have they wrought?)

11. RESULTS Through the certain wrought process, smectite in shandong can completely have the same qualities as the imported drug Semcta. (翻译:结果实验结果表明,山东的蒙脱石经过一定的精制技术处理,很有可能达到与进口抗腹泻药思密达相同的质量。)

12. He later wrote that the wrought architecture of Great Zimbabwe was simply too sophisticated, too special to have been built by Africans. (翻译:随后,他写道, 大津巴布韦的壮观建筑结构 太过精细复杂和独特, 非洲人没有能力建造这样的建筑。)

13. No man amongst you is fit to judge the mighty art that I have wrought. (翻译:你们当中也没有人能够审判... 我的伟大工作.)

14. Oh, Helen, I had, uh, Ray Junior... put the wrought-iron chairs on the back porch, okay? (翻译:噢,海伦,我有, 嗯,雷国... 把锻铁椅 后阳台上,好吗?)

15. Such wrongly wrought proteins need to be binned before they cause substantial damage. (翻译:这些折叠出错的蛋白质在引发灾难前就需要被封存。)




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