yangtse是什么意思 yangtse的中文翻译、读音、例句


yangtse是什么意思 yangtse的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:指长江的英文名称,是中国最长的河流之一。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:

- Yangtse River 长江;

- Yangtse Delta 长江三角洲;

- Yangtse gorges 三峡;

- Yangtse Plain 长江平原;

- Yangtse Irrigation Project 长江灌溉工程。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[ˌjæŋtˈsiː]。


1. The Yangtse River is often called the cradle of Chinese civilization. 长江通常被称为中国文明的摇篮。

2. The Yangtse River is the third longest river in the world. 长江是世界上第三长的河流。

3. The scenery along the Yangtse River is breathtaking. 沿着长江的风景令人惊叹。

4. The Yangtse Delta is one of China's most prosperous areas. 长江三角洲是中国最繁华的地区之一。

5. The Yangtse Irrigation Project has greatly improved the agricultural productivity in the region. 长江灌溉工程极大地提高了该地区的农业生产力。

'yangtse'是英语中的Yángzǐ江(扬子江)的拼音。 扬子江是中国最长的河流,位于中国中部,全长约6300公里。它是中国最重要的河流之一,是中国文化和经济的重要源头。


读音:yáng zǐ jiāng


1. The Yangtse River is an important source of irrigation and transportation in China.(扬子江是中国重要的灌溉和交通资源。)

2. The Yangtse River is known for its stunning scenery and diverse wildlife.(扬子江以其惊人的景色和多样化的野生动物而闻名。)




例句:A new talent writing an ancient-style essay stunned all the college entrance exam-markers in Jiangsu, Yangtse Evening reported. (据《扬子晚报》报道,在高考试卷评阅中,江苏一位文言文奇才震惊了所有阅卷老师。)


例句:It's Yangtse River of China. As you travel westward, does the elevation get higher? (当你向西部旅行时,海拔是不是逐渐变高了?)


yangtse一般作为名词使用,如在the Yangtse Gorges(长江三峡)、Yangtse River(长江, 扬子江)等常见短语中出现较多。

the Yangtse Gorges长江三峡
Yangtse River长江, 扬子江


1. Zhangjiagang City JinQiao Machinery Co., Ltd. Is located in TangQiao Town, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu in the Yangtse Delta which is the developed region in China. (翻译:张家港金桥轻工机械有限公司位于中国经济发达的长江三角洲——江苏张家港市塘桥镇。)

2. Rugao, located in the Yangtse Delta area is a city where industry is relatively developed and lies in the developed area of JiangSu. (翻译:江苏省如皋市是一个工业相对发达、位于长江三角洲地区的县级市,属苏中经济较发达地区。)

3. yangtse River. Looking at it through the window, a foreigner sitting next to Mr yang is apparently amazed by the spectacular view below. (翻译:一小时后,它飞到了长江上空,坐在杨先生边上的一位外国人隔窗望着长江,底下的壮丽景色使他惊奇不已。)

4. Why not empower the Yangtse Commission to take on this oversight role rather than dispersing and hiding the challenges? (翻译:以其分散和逃避这一项挑战,那为什么不授权于长江委员会来承担这一被忽视的任务呢?)

5. China is traditionally divided by the north and south by the great Yangtse River. (翻译:在传统上,中国武术以长江为界划分为南北两大派。)

6. Divergent Role of "Emei Tafrogeny" on Yangtse Palaeoslab and Tarim Palaeoslab and Its Significance in Geoscience (翻译:“峨眉地裂运动”对扬子古板块和塔里木古板块的离散作用及其地学意义)

7. Yangtse River, to the northeast of Chiayu Hupeh Province. (翻译:赤壁在今湖北省蒲圻县西北长江南岸。)

8. B: Go to the bank of the Yangtse River, it's warm and sunny, trees are thriving and flowers are blossoming. (翻译:去长江沿岸,那里温暖阳光普照,树木繁茂花朵盛开。)

9. The Yangtse Evening Post conducted the survey among 50 personnel managers. (翻译:《长江晚报》对50名人事经理进行了调查。)

10. The tectonics of Jiangnan recombination melange belt is very complex resulted from long actuation of Yangtse plate and Cathaysian plate. (翻译:江南复合混杂岩带是扬子板块与华夏板块长期活动所致,构造极为复杂。)

11. The most value type of stone from Yangtse River, an old Hibiscus Stone, at the back hibiscus flowers are so mysterious. (翻译:长江最珍贵的石种,老芙蓉石,背面的芙蓉花如此神秘。)

12. The hill commands an overall view of the magnificent Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge. (翻译:从山上可以清楚地看到雄伟的南京长江大桥的全景。)

13. In Yangtse Delta, Zhujiang Delta as well as the link Bohai Sea area, the relatively complete electronic industry group has formed. (翻译:在中国的长三角、珠三角以及环渤海地区,形成了相对完整的电子产业群落。)

14. Chinese Yangge Dance spreads a wide range of region including the areas of the Yangtse River the Yellow River. (翻译:秧歌的普及范围之广,几乎遍及整个长江流域和黄河流域。)

15. There are various indications that the Liuling Group belongs to the stable continental margin deposits of the north of the Yangtse plate. (翻译:冬种迹象表明,刘岭群应属扬子板块北部的稳定边缘沉积。)




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