guardado是什么意思 guardado的中文翻译、读音、例句


guardado是什么意思 guardado的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 作为动词,guardado的意思是“保护”、“守卫”、“保存”等。在这方面,该词常常用于描述社区、建筑物、国家边境等需要保护的地方。例如:

- The museum guard carefully guarded the priceless artifacts. (博物馆守卫小心翼翼地保护着无价的文物。)

- It is important to guard your personal information when using social media. (使用社交媒体时,保护个人信息很重要。)

- The army was tasked with guarding the borders of the country. (负责守卫国家边境。)

2. 作为名词,guardado可以表示“储藏品”、“备用品”等意思。例如:

- I found some old guardados in the attic. (我在阁楼里找到了一些旧备用品。)

- The guardado of old photographs has been carefully preserved. (旧照片的储藏品已经被仔细保存。)

3. Guardado也是墨西哥足球运动员Andrés Guardado的姓氏。因此,有时也可以用guardado来描述与他有关的事物,例如:

- Guardado scored two goals in the game. (Guardado在比赛中打进了两个球。)

- Many fans came to see Guardado play. (许多球迷来看Guardado比赛。)


1. The guard carefully guardado(d) the entrance to the building.


2. The guardado of old documents has been preserved in the archive.


3. Guardado scored a goal in the final minutes of the game.


4. The museum guardado(d) the valuable artwork with his life.


5. Guardado's skill on the soccer field is unmatched.





1. El documento está guardado en la nube. (文件已储存在云端。)

2. Tengo guardado el dinero en el banco. (我已经把钱存到银行了。)

3. Guardado en un lugar se, el tesoro nunca fue encontrado. (宝藏被安全地保存在某个地方,从未被找到。)

4. El secreto fue guardado por mucho tiempo. (这个秘密被保守了很久。)



例句:Do you, do you have tweezers or something? (Do you, do you have tweezers or something?)


例句:We tell you what to do and you do it. (We tell you what to do and you do it.)


例句:Do you not like the dress? (Do you... Do you not like the dress?)


例句:Now, do you do everything your sponsor tells you to do? (翻译:do you do everything your sponsor tells you to do?)


1. Do you not like the dress? (翻译:Do you... Do you not like the dress?)

2. Now, do you do everything your sponsor tells you to do? (翻译:do you do everything your sponsor tells you to do?)

3. ♪ You just do what you gotta do (翻译:You just do what you gotta do)

4. How do you do? Got anything? (翻译:in charge of information collecting How do you do?)

5. What do you look for in a man? (翻译:What do you do for fun? What do you look for in a man?)

6. What do you want me to do now? (翻译:What do you want me to do now?)

7. Just do what you gotta do. (翻译:Just do what you gotta do.)

8. Do something we can all do together. (翻译:Do something we can all do together.)

9. Cool. How do they do that? (翻译:How do they do that?)

10. What do I gotta do to make you care? (翻译:What do I gotta do to make you care?)

11. To do the things you want to do (翻译:To do the things you want to do)

12. What do you expect us to do about it now? (翻译:What do you expect us to do about it now?)

13. - What do you do with all that money? (翻译:- And do what? 要那么多钱做什么 What do you do with all that money?)

14. Uh, but what do you want me to do about Dean? (翻译:but what do you want me to do about Dean?)

15. What do you suggest we do? (翻译:What do you suggest we do?)


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