coul是什么意思 coul的中文翻译、读音、例句


coul是什么意思 coul的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. "Could"的缩写:有时候,人们会将"could"缩写为"coul"。这个缩写通常出现在文本或聊天中,因为在快速输入时可以更快速地输入。例如:

- Coul you help me with this math problem?(你能帮我解决这个数学问题吗?)

- I'm not sure if I can go to the party, coul you let me know the time and location?(我不确定能不能去派对,你能告诉我时间和地点吗?)

2. "Coulomb":这是一个物理学术语,表示电荷单位。例如:

- The force between two charged particles depends on their distances and their respective Coulomb forces.(两个带电粒子之间的力量取决于它们之间的距离和它们各自的库仑力。)

- The Coulomb potential energy between two charges is proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the distance between them.(两个电荷之间的库仑电位能与它们的电荷量成正比,与它们之间的距离成反比。)

3. "Council"的缩写:"coul"也可以是"council"的缩写。这通常用于地方或学校的理事会。例如:

- The coul will vote on the new budget proposal at the next meeting.(理事会将在下次会议上就新的预算提案进行投票。)

- The school coul met to discuss the recent changes in the curriculum.(学校理事会开会讨论最近的课程改革。)

4. "Coulter":Coulter是一种用于耕作的农业工具,通常是一种铁质的锄头,可以帮助将埋在田地里。例如:

- The farmer used a coulter to prepare the soil for planting.(农民用耕犁来为种植准备土壤。)

- The coulter on the plow needed to be sharpened before the next season.(在下个季节之前,犁上的犁刀需要被磨尖。)




1. I coul(冷漠) barely hide my disappointment when she told me she wouldn't be able to come to the party.


2. His coul(坚定) demeanor made it clear that he was in charge and not to be trifled with.


3. Despite the coul(冷静) conditions, the rescue workers worked tirelessly to save the stranded hikers.





例句:Conclusion:The closed colony of Microtus brandti established in this study coul… (结论:本实验所建立的布氏田鼠封闭群可作为一种中国特有的实验动物。)


例句:He said because of me,he'd lost the best thingthat had ever happened to him, and if he coul'twin you back,I could take my moneyand buy a new son, because I was never gonnabe hearing from him again. (他说都怪我 让他失去了这辈子有过最美好的东西 如果不能赢回你的芳心 我还是拿自己的臭钱买个新儿子吧 因为他不会再理睬我了)


例句:Best of luck, Son of Coul. (祝您好运 森尔科 Best of luck, son of Coul.)


例句:I coul't even tell if you liked me, but now, I mean, well, I-I don't know if I'd say that we're friends exactly, but, I mean, sort of. (翻译:我都不知道你是否喜欢我 不过现在 我想 我不知道能不能说我们是朋友 但是 也算是朋友吧 对吧)


1. Best of luck, Son of Coul. (翻译:祝您好运 森尔科 Best of luck, son of Coul.)

2. I coul't even tell if you liked me, but now, I mean, well, I-I don't know if I'd say that we're friends exactly, but, I mean, sort of. (翻译:我都不知道你是否喜欢我 不过现在 我想 我不知道能不能说我们是朋友 但是 也算是朋友吧 对吧)

3. There's no way I coul convince you to come with me just by talking about our community. (翻译:光靠嘴上说我们的社区 是没法说服你们跟我走的)

4. Fact is, I'm lost, so... if you coul tell me where we are. (翻译:不过我迷路了 所以 你能不能告诉我 我们现在的位置)

5. - He sank like lead into the deep. (翻译:他就像个石头飞出去了 Il a coulé comme une pierre dans le noir.)

6. I close up my office an I fixe it before it coul be a problem. (翻译:我把办公室关了起来 并且在酿成大祸之前补救了整件事)

7. If I coul bring myself own to your level, I' slap you aroun for a sport right here an now. (翻译:如果我跟你一般见识, 我马上在这里掴你耳光,赏你个锅贴)

8. All I i was craft a top-shelf lie to which a person with strength an heroism coul apply their talents. (翻译:我只是编了一个弥天大谎 让一个孔武而英勇的人能够发挥才能)

9. Son of Coul, what is this? (翻译:森尔科 出什么事了? Son of Coul, what is this?)

10. Well, my family an I were trying to get back to Ohio so I coul help my istrict manage the crisis. (翻译:我和家人想回到俄亥俄州 我好帮助我的选区应对危机)




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