footstep是什么意思 footstep的中文翻译、读音、例句


footstep是什么意思 footstep的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义和用法:


2. 适用场景:


3. 搭配和例句:

(1)footstep sound:脚步声

例句:I heard the footsteps approaching me.(我听到了脚步声渐渐靠近我。)

(2)follow the footsteps:效仿、跟随

例句:He always follows in his father's footsteps.(他总是效仿他父亲的行为。)

(3)trace footsteps:跟踪、追踪

例句:The police traced the footsteps of the criminal.(警方追踪了罪犯的行踪。)

(4)leave footsteps:留下脚印

例句:The hiker left his footsteps on the mountain.(徒步旅行者在山上留下了自己的脚印。)

(5)pad footsteps:踩着小步走

例句:I heard someone padding footsteps outside the door.(我听到有人在门外踩着小步走。)



1. 脚步声;脚步;脚印。

2. 跟随的行动;踩着前人的路走。


1. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.(我听到有人下楼的脚步声。)

2. The thief left his footstep on the window sill.(小偷在窗台上留下了脚印。)

3. He followed in his father's footsteps and became a doctor.(他走上了他父亲的路,成为一名医生。)


步履声 脚印 足迹




例句:And tonight is the very crucial footstep. (要是我能出去,上帝做我的证人... 有人要付出代价的)


例句:I lended my ear to hear but there was no footstep. (我侧耳倾听,没有脚声。)


例句:We need come to a stop, Or slow footstep, The vacuum oneself a year, a day, a minutes or even one second. (我们需要停下来,或是放慢脚步,真空自我一年,一天,一时,一分甚至一秒。)


例句:Hearing the footstep below(=When he heard the footstep below), he rose and went to the top of the stairs. (翻译:听见脚步声,他站起身来走到楼梯口去。)


footstep一般作为名词使用,如在footstep bearing([化] 止推轴承)、footstep pillow(立轴承垫座)、footstep pivot(球面枢轴,立臼形轴承)等常见短语中出现较多。

footstep bearing[化] 止推轴承
footstep pillow立轴承垫座
footstep pivot球面枢轴,立臼形轴承
gate footstep闸门底脚


1. We need come to a stop, Or slow footstep, The vacuum oneself a year, a day, a minutes or even one second. (翻译:我们需要停下来,或是放慢脚步,真空自我一年,一天,一时,一分甚至一秒。)

2. Hearing the footstep below(=When he heard the footstep below), he rose and went to the top of the stairs. (翻译:听见脚步声,他站起身来走到楼梯口去。)

3. Yes, Miss Spring's footstep can be seen everywhere, let's look for her footprint together. (翻译:是啊,到处都有春姑脚步。让我们一起来寻找春天的足迹吧!)

4. The wishing tree is there to help others to achieve the aspirations, but it did not retain your messy footstep. (翻译:许愿树的存在就是为了帮别人实现愿望,可是它却没有留住你凌乱的脚步。)

5. They can't afford to waste a second getting lost, so they spin to take a bearing from the sun. They log every change of direction, every footstep, in order to know exactly where they are and where their nest lies. (翻译:银蚁便火速出动寻找食物 {\3cH202020}as soon as their predators go to ground. 他们参照太阳的位置进行转向 {\3cH202020}so they spin to take a bearing from the sun. 以便知晓当前所处的位置 {\3cH202020}in order to know exactly where they)

6. Due to increase of load, the strength of part elements and footstep did not to meet a criterion. (翻译:由于荷载增大,网架在超设计荷载作用下部分杆件及底部支座的强度不满足规范要求,必须进行加固。)

7. The web is so dense that there can be hundreds of kilometers of mycelium under a single footstep. (翻译:这个网络无比密集以至于 在你每走过一步脚下的菌丝连起来 可以有几百公里长。)

8. Road, in fact, is under your footstep. (翻译:路,其实就在脚下。)

9. But now, Pearl, I hear a footstep along the path, and the noise of one putting aside the branches. (翻译:不过,珠儿,这会儿我听到有脚步声沿着小路走来,—还有拨开树枝的声音。)

10. Presently I heard a heavy footstep in my room --the step of elephant, it seemed to me --it was not like anything human. (翻译:不久我听到在我房间里有沉重的脚步声--像是大象的,对我来说--不像是人类的。)

11. Perhaps the person of that in a dream hides deep place at the white cloud, past fog of the eyeful, was fond of me to return of footstep. (翻译:也许那梦中的人藏匿在白云深处,故揽了满眼的雾,迷了我归去的脚步。)

12. I did not draw apart the footstep in fact and from the beginning, I am just to hide to the words in the heart a little. (翻译:我其实从来没有挪开脚步,我只是偷偷把心中的话一点点藏起。)

13. his footstep was heard one moment in the corridor, then the rattling of his carriage-wheels as he was driven rapidly away. (翻译:他的脚步声在走廊里响了一阵,然后他的马车隆隆地响起急速离开的声音。)

14. So when he started doing his independent business, we admired him, because he follow our footstep out of Coxsone. (翻译:所以,当他开始 独立工作 我们很佩服,因为 他在我们的后尘了Coxsone的。)




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