mengiste是什么意思 mengiste的中文翻译、读音、例句


mengiste是什么意思 mengiste的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Harlem Yu Meng Biei broker said that the Harlem current trip have not yet scheduled, time out, "Yi Nengjing to meet with" noncommittal . (庾澄庆经纪人孟美瑛表示,哈林目前的行程尚未排定,时间很赶,对“是否与伊能静见面”不置可否。)


例句:Three things after finishing later, Meng Jiangnu castigated the emperor meal, and then jump jumping into the rolling waves of the sea. (三件事办完以后,孟姜女把秦始皇痛骂了一顿,然后纵身跳进了波涛滚滚的大海。)


例句:We will change the world! Meng Xiaojun told me (我们将改变世界 是我们改变了世界 还是世界改变了我和你)


mengiste一般作为名词使用,如在Mengiste(人名 埃塞 门吉斯特)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mengiste人名 埃塞 门吉斯特


1. We will change the world! Meng Xiaojun told me (翻译:我们将改变世界 是我们改变了世界 还是世界改变了我和你)

2. Ju Meng, Inner Mongolia China Hangjinqi produced the best quality of licorice. (翻译:中国内蒙古伊克昭盟杭锦旗所产的甘草品质最佳。)

3. Sun Suao, the prime minister Chu, treated You Meng with respect and kingness, considering him a wise, able man. (翻译:孙叔敖是楚国的宰相,他知道优孟是一个聪明而有能力的人,并对他十分敬重爱护。)

4. According to the distribution and development of the strata and fossils, western Yunnan may be divided into the Baoshan-Tengchang, Gengma-Meng-lian and Lanping-Pu'er areas. (翻译:根据地层古生物的分布和发育情况,可将云南西部划分为保山—腾冲区、耿马—孟连区和兰坪—普洱区。)

5. Based on the existing materials, the thesis reveals truly and accurately Meng Chengshun's personal character, life and creation. (翻译:在搜集、整理现有材料的基础上,本文对孟称舜的为人、生平与创作,作了较为真实而准确的揭示与梳理。)

6. His Majesty commands General Meng... to retrieve the pill! (翻译:皇上有旨,蒙将军速速将灵药取回 不得有误)

7. Snow to hering. Snowflakes new judge in Beijing. On any Xiao Xiao mo xi meng, hear the wind rot manifold and pity. (翻译:雪花飘落默海林。佳奇京地雪花新。闻风萧晓莫兮冉,听风廖朽枯哀怜。)

8. A man called Meng Jue Hai... had led his army to fight us at West Gate, defeated a few warriors of our side already. (翻译:界下孟绝海 带兵到西营门外挑战 已经伤了我们几员大将)

9. "The best time to be out is lunch time, when the chengguan are on break," said Meng Xiandong, 54, a vendor of dried sweet potatoes, as he nervously scanned the crowds. (翻译:“出动的最佳时间是午饭时候,当都在休息。”孟先东一边紧张地扫视着人群,一边这样说,他54岁,是一个卖甜干土豆的小贩。)

10. My frist day in college I met Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun Are you insane (翻译:入学第一天我见到了王阳和孟晓骏 心儿几乎要碎裂 得分隔多少年岁)

11. This is online map of the address "Ping Meng Xiang Nong Xin , Napo County, Baise City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国广西壮族自治区百色市那坡县平孟乡农信”匹配的在线电子地图。)

12. Taiwanese poet Hsia Ching's Poetry Drama Lady Meng Jiang is published in Taiwan. (翻译:诗人夏菁的诗剧《孟姜女》在出版。)

13. more poet Meng reminded of that first quatrains: "singing everywhere, the night comes Feng Yusheng, Whispering Colour. " (翻译:更想起了诗人孟浩然的那首绝句:“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟,夜来风雨声,花落知多少。”)

14. Meng Ni and Fan Zhiqing said "I do" to each other in the same month that they said "we do" to their real estate agent. (翻译:蒙妮和范志清彼此互道“我愿意”。而就在同一个月,他们对房地产经纪人也说了“我们愿意”。)

15. Shenfu-dongsheng mine is at the heart of the Jin-shan-meng energy source base, but its ecological environment is very weak. (翻译:神府-东胜矿区是晋陕蒙能源基地的核心,矿区的生态环境十分脆弱。)




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