clergy是什么意思 clergy的中文翻译、读音、例句


clergy是什么意思 clergy的中文翻译、读音、例句





- clergyman/clergywoman:牧师,男/女神职人员。

- member of the clergy:神职人员。

- Ecopal clergy:圣公会神职人员。

- Roman Catholic clergy:罗马教神职人员。

- Lutheran clergy:路德教神职人员。


- ordain the clergy:按照教规授权神职人员。

- a call to the clergy:对神职人员的呼吁。

- the duties of the clergy:神职人员的职责。

- the authority of the clergy:神职人员的权威。




例句:John wants to become a member of the clergy and serve as a priest.(约翰想加入神职人员,并担任神父的职务。)




例句:Along the left side, facing the altar, are the low seats or divans and tables of the clergy, arranged in the order of their hierarchical standing-the highest being closest to the altar. (在祭台对面的左侧放置着按照教阶来安排的桌子和,最高级别教士的桌子和离祭台最近。)


例句:Ziauddin Sardar, in a must-read article, wrote of the clergy's efforts to battle this epidemic by promoting meta, or temporary marriages. (萨达尔曾写过一篇精彩文章,谈到毛拉们试图推广“临时性婚姻”来限制婚前性行为。)


例句:That was because he wanted the best, the most disciplined and the most loyal clergy possible. (因为他想要得到现有条件下最好、 最有纪律、且最忠诚的神职人员。)


例句:Worst of all, such a journey would get in the way of him going into the clergy. (翻译:最严重的是,这样的一次旅途将妨碍他成为一名牧师。)


clergy一般作为名词使用,如在privilege of clergy([法] 神职人员的特权)、regular clergy((属于教团、住在寺院内并受修道誓约约束的)寺院教士)、secular clergy(在俗教士)等常见短语中出现较多。

privilege of clergy[法] 神职人员的特权
regular clergy(属于教团、住在寺院内并受修道誓约约束的)寺院教士
secular clergy在俗教士


1. That was because he wanted the best, the most disciplined and the most loyal clergy possible. (翻译:因为他想要得到现有条件下最好、 最有纪律、且最忠诚的神职人员。)

2. Worst of all, such a journey would get in the way of him going into the clergy. (翻译:最严重的是,这样的一次旅途将妨碍他成为一名牧师。)

3. In N? rnberg, clergy are allowed to marry. (翻译:在纽伦堡 牧师允许结婚 In Nuremberg, clergy are allowed to marry.)

4. Delegations in an unending parade-labor leaders, rabbis, businessmen, even Christian Clergy-keep urging him to do more for the Jews. (翻译:代表团络绎不绝――劳工领神,犹太教士,企业老板,甚至教的牧师――不断敦促他对犹太人高抬贵手。)

5. But we need to remember that they were clergy, and they saw what they were doing as an aspect of the pastoral role of a priest to make society better. (翻译:们需要记得,他们都是神职人员, 他们把自己所做的事视为神父牧养工 作的一部分,是为了使社会变得更好。)

6. And if you think of, you know, the earliest church communities, it wasn't controlled by the clergy. (翻译:如果考虑到 最早的教会社区 并不受神职人员的控制)

7. People looked forward to going to church, or to being visited by a travelling member of the clergy. (翻译:人们期待着去教堂,或正在访问的旅行会员神职人员。)

8. But this headnote goes a lot further simply than that: "And by occasion foretells the ruin of our corrupted Clergy." (翻译:但是这篇眉批要表达的不仅仅是这个:,“同时也预示了腐朽的教会的溃败 )

9. And we stand in the far end by the entrance, far from the altar and from the gated enclosure intended for the clergy and we peer into the distance, looking for a beginning. (翻译:当我们站在入口的一角, 这里远离圣餐台 和被围住的只供牧师使用的区域。我们向远处眺望,寻找着一个开始。)

10. It is a virus which is transmitted partly through teachers and clergy but also down the generations, from parent to child to grandchild. (翻译:我认为作为一种 危险的病毒。它是一种病毒,它被发送, 部分教师和神职人员,)

11. As far as the clergy are concerned we mean to issue a set of injunctions requiring them to preach the Supremacy. (翻译:至于那些神职人员 我们打算出台一系列法令 As far as the clergy are concerned, we mean to issue a set of injunctions 要求他们大力鼓吹君权至尊 requiring them to preach the Supremacy.)

12. And to drive through this change, the Papacy first targeted the clergy. (翻译:而在这一变革过程中,神职人员 成了教宗首当其冲的改造对象。)

13. We've got a story about degenerate clergy, and we've got a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry. (翻译:一份是关于道德沦丧的神职人员 还有另一份报道披露一群律师 把未成年人案变成有利可图的不法勾当)

14. clergy served the services of Christmas in gold-coloured vestments. (翻译:根据传统习俗,穿着金色法衣的牧师主持圣诞节仪式。)

15. In the Diocese of Parramatta there 18 members of the clergy currently retired, this include 16 priests and 2 Deacons. (翻译:在巴拉玛打教区﹐我们现正有18名退休神职人员﹐这包括16位神父和2位执事。)




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