ebersdorf是什么意思 ebersdorf的中文翻译、读音、例句


ebersdorf是什么意思 ebersdorf的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Agriculture is a weak industry, villages are disadvantaged areas, and farm - ers are unprivileged groups. (农业是弱势产业,农村是弱势地区,农民是弱势群体。)


例句:Manag-ers can conduct simulations of various threats, such as fire, explosives, and evacuations. (管理员可以进行各种威胁的模拟试验,如火灾,爆炸,以及人员疏散。)


例句:Impressive watch concept Bugatti by Swiss company Parmigiani Fleurier is not for sale but is attached as a gift to happy owners of supercar Bugatti EB 16.4 Veyron. (由瑞士手表公司帕玛·强尼·弗勒·里耶设计的令人印象深刻的布加迪表属非卖品,但它是布加迪eb16.4威龙系列车主的随车礼物。)


例句:Once into Switzerland we were met by Dominic Clancy from the Swiss MGA Car Club and as he led us through Dorf, Klosters and Landquart to our destination at Chur. (翻译:一旦我们进入瑞士遭到多米尼克·克兰西从瑞士MGA的汽车俱乐部和多尔夫,他带领我们,克洛斯·特斯和兰德夸特在库尔向我们的目的地。)


ebersdorf一般作为名词使用,如在Ebersdorf([地名] 埃伯斯多夫 ( 德 ))、Ebersdorf bei Coburg([地名] 科堡附近埃伯斯多夫 ( 德 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Ebersdorf[地名] 埃伯斯多夫 ( 德 )
Ebersdorf bei Coburg[地名] 科堡附近埃伯斯多夫 ( 德 )


1. Impressive watch concept Bugatti by Swiss company Parmigiani Fleurier is not for sale but is attached as a gift to happy owners of supercar Bugatti EB 16.4 Veyron. (翻译:由瑞士手表公司帕玛·强尼·弗勒·里耶设计的令人印象深刻的布加迪表属非卖品,但它是布加迪eb16.4威龙系列车主的随车礼物。)

2. Once into Switzerland we were met by Dominic Clancy from the Swiss MGA Car Club and as he led us through Dorf, Klosters and Landquart to our destination at Chur. (翻译:一旦我们进入瑞士遭到多米尼克·克兰西从瑞士MGA的汽车俱乐部和多尔夫,他带领我们,克洛斯·特斯和兰德夸特在库尔向我们的目的地。)

3. Selmer USA - Eb soprano, high-impact plastic body, nickel-plated keys. (翻译:美国萨尔玛-降E高音,高压塑料管体,镀镍按键。)

4. The first night that Pat and I met, the Eagles beat the 49ers handily, 40 to 26. (翻译:我和帕特第一次见面的那个晚上 老鹰大胜49人 40比26)

5. Conclusions CVA, PNDS and EB are the main causes of chronic cough, and glucocorticoid is of specific curative effect on chronic cough. (翻译:结论CVA、PNDS、EB是慢性咳嗽的主要病因,糖皮质激素特异性治疗效果良好。)

6. The properties of epoxy resin matrix EB99-1 and its composites reinforced by AS4 carbon fiber were investigated. (翻译:研究了电子束固化eb 99 - 1环氧树脂及其as4碳纤维增强复合材料。)

7. Many sleep ers were fixed on a railway. (翻译:一条铁路上有许多固定了的枕木。)

8. Manag-ers can conduct simulations of various threats, such as fire, explosives, and evacuations. (翻译:管理员可以进行各种威胁的模拟试验,如火灾,爆炸,以及人员疏散。)

9. There was no such puzzlement about the 76ers in 1972. (翻译:1972年的76人却没有这样的困惑。)

10. Franz Joseph Haydn. Sonata In Eb Allegro Moderato First Half. (翻译:弗朗茨·约瑟夫·海顿。在EB中庸的快板奏鸣曲上半。)

11. Jap planes came in dropping 500 lb'ers while we were out in the open. (翻译:日军飞机来袭 向在空地上的我们 投下五百磅的)

12. Allen Iverson is leaving the 76ers again to tend to serious family matters. (翻译:由于家里有要事需要处理,阿伦艾弗森又将离开76队。)

13. But I came up with my estimate, which I felt pretty good about, that was about 10 exabytes of data across all of Google's operations, and then another maybe five exabytes or so of offline storage in tape drives, which it turns out Google is about the world's largest consumer of. (翻译:但是我有一个让我感觉 不错的估测 就是覆盖整个谷歌的操作系统的 差不多10EB的数据量 另外还有5EB的离线数据 保存在磁带驱动器里 这印证了谷歌是 世界上最大的消费者 )

14. EB: If you fire the 'chute too early, the parachute itself could fail. (翻译:EB:如果降落伞打开得太早,降落伞就会损坏。)

15. Give online computer leo for begi ers, if you're qualified, or give music leo to raise funds. (翻译:如果你有条件,可以通过上音乐课来筹集钱。)


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