hurriedly是什么意思 hurriedly的中文翻译、读音、例句


hurriedly是什么意思 hurriedly的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:'hurriedly'是一个副词,意思是“匆忙地,急忙地”。

2. 用法:'hurriedly'通常用于描述一种快速的、急迫的行动或情况。它可以用来描述某人的动作、言谈或决策,也可以用来描述某个进程的加速度或进展速度。

3. 同义词:其他与'hurriedly'类似的词汇包括:quickly、rapidly、swiftly、speedily、hastily、briskly、expeditiously等。


1. She hurriedly packed her bags and left for the airport.(她匆匆地打好行李,离开了去。)

2. The emergency room was crowded with people moving hurriedly in and out.(急诊室里挤满了人,匆匆进进出出。)

3. He spoke hurriedly, as if he was afraid of being interrupted.(他说话很快,好像害怕被打扰。)

4. The construction workers worked hurriedly to complete the building before the deadline.(建筑工人匆忙工作,在截止日期前完成建筑。)

5. She hurriedly finished her breakfast and ran out the door to catch the bus.(她匆匆吃完早餐,跑出门去赶公交车。)



1. She hurriedly packed her bags and rushed to catch the train. (她匆忙地打包好行李,赶着去赶火车。)

2. The waiter hurriedly brought us our food before the movie started.(服务员在电影开始前匆忙地为我们送来食物。)

3. He searched hurriedly through his pockets, but couldn't find his phone.(他急忙地搜索着自己的口袋,却没能找到手机。)




例句:Morning, the reason I summon you here hurriedly is that: (the reason I summon you here hurriedly is that:)


例句:Niang son? Hurriedly beat this small girl hair to walk truly, still truly occupy and order her to do at him so many up a do. (娘子?赶紧把这小妮子打发走了实在,好在他还真有事要吩咐她去办上一办。)


例句:Little notes with "shmily" scribbled hurriedly were found on dash boards and car seats. (潦潦草草写“shmily”的字条会出现在汽车的仪表盘或座位上;)


例句:A small mobile force that had been hurriedly put together set sail to Tripoli. (翻译:一支匆忙拼凑起来的小机动 驶往的黎波里)


1. Little notes with "shmily" scribbled hurriedly were found on dash boards and car seats. (翻译:潦潦草草写“shmily”的字条会出现在汽车的仪表盘或座位上;)

2. A small mobile force that had been hurriedly put together set sail to Tripoli. (翻译:一支匆忙拼凑起来的小机动 驶往的黎波里)

3. I hurriedly got up and dressed. (翻译:我急忙起床穿好衣服。)

4. Today I see a meteor row from the sky, I shut hurriedly up the eye, matching to rise the hands orison . (翻译:今天我看到一颗流星从天空划过,我赶紧闭上眼睛,合起双手祈祷。)

5. She hurriedly untied the ropes binding her ankles. (翻译:她赶紧解开绑着自己双脚的绳子。)

6. Gorbatchev hurriedly creates a governmental commission made up of the country's top experts in nuclear energy. (翻译:戈尔巴乔夫紧急成立委员会 成员全是国内顶尖核能专家)

7. Hurriedly Alan struggled out of his sleeping bag and began to search the grounds of the monastery. (翻译:阿兰慌忙从睡袋里挣扎出来,开始在寺院里四处寻找。)

8. I came back this afternoon and saw a man running down the stairs hurriedly. (翻译:我今天下午从外边回来 看见有一个人 从楼上匆匆忙忙的下来)

9. She hurriedly set GuQing calls his team not to save HeiMu Jiao down the mountain. (翻译:她连忙集合队伍不顾青叔的劝阻要下山救黑木蛟。)

10. The mouse did not notice this question but hurriedly went on' "--found it advisable to go with edgar atheling to meet william and offer him the crown." (翻译:她发现这是可取的,即和埃德加?阿塞林一起去迎接,并把王冠奉献给他。)

11. On April 20th, I celebrated my fifth birthday, and just a few weeks after my birthday, my parents got my younger brother, my baby sister and me up very early one morning, and they dressed us hurriedly. (翻译:4月20日,是我5周岁的生日 生日之后的几个星期 我的父母把我弟弟 妹妹和我 很早就叫起来 匆忙给我们穿上衣服 )

12. see them spoiled, there will be a kind of guilt, so the men would hurriedly agreed to stop more than their coquetry. (翻译:看她们撒娇,会有一种罪恶感,所以男的都会忙不迭答应,以制止其撒娇不止。)

13. Green tents at the bottom of Pheasant Wood mark the position of eight pits dug hurriedly behind the German lines in 1916. (翻译:在德国1916年战线的后方,雉鸡林的尽头竖起了绿色帐篷,标志着短时间内挖出来的八个大坑。)

14. "BE. " 2 people's some Tan Tes see blue to set up Chu to have no curious liability them and hurriedly behind base. (翻译:“是。”两人有些忐忑,看见蓝建楚并没有怪责他们,赶紧退下。)

15. But then news of Princess Kiko's pregnancy leaked out, and the bill was hurriedly shelved, at least for now. (翻译:但是纪子妃怀孕的消息一经外泄,该法案就被匆忙、至少是暂时地搁置下来。)




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