cong是什么意思 cong的中文翻译、读音、例句


cong是什么意思 cong的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义:'cong'可以单词,意思是从,也可以作为缩写词,代表着不同的含义,如Congratulations(祝贺)、Congress(国会)、Configuration(配置)等等。


- She came here by taking a bus 'cong' the bus station.


- 'Cong' your promotion! You totally deserve it!


- The 'Congress' just passed a new law to regulate social media platforms.


- The software 'configuration' needs to be installed before you can use the program.


2. 语言表达:'cong'简单的词汇或者缩写词,在口语和书面语中都可以随处使用,可以用来表达自己的想法、建议、祝福等等。


- 'Cong' on your new car! It looks amazing.


- Have you considered changing the 'configuration' of your computer to improve its performance?


- 'Cong' to the newlyweds! You two make a lovely couple.


- The 'Congress' is currently discussing a new bill that will impact the economy.


3. 文化背景:'cong'在某些语境下也可能涉及到文化背景,例如,'Congratulations'在庆祝生日、毕业、晋升等重要场合中尤为常见,而'Congress'则代表着美国的核心机构。


- 'Cong' on your 18th birthday! You are officially an adult now.


- The 'Congress' is responsible for passing laws and representing the people's interests.


- 'Cong' to the graduates! You worked hard and earned your degree.


- The 'configuration' of your phone can affect its battery life and storage capacity.





1. 我们要开一次全体员工的会议,讨司的未来发展计划。

We need to hold a meeting for all staff to discuss the company's future development plan.

2. 昨天下午,我们参加了同学们的毕业典礼,一起度过了一个美好的时光。

Yesterday afternoon, we attended the graduation ceremony of our classmates and spent a happy time together.

3. 城市建设需要所有市民的共同参与和努力。

City construction requires the collective partition and efforts of all citizens.




例句:Both the Viet Cong and the north Vietnamese view the Gulf of Tonkin resolution as a declaration of war by the Americans, (越南的北越党认为 美国对南方的援助行为等于是对其宣战)


例句:- In order to bring some order into the fight between the subversion, uh, by the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong and the government. (为了能够将颠覆战争 拉入更好的持续 通过北越)


例句:When Dr. Yao Cong, a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Wah Chiu, displays the computer representation of hemocyanin, it glows like a four-part jewel on the computer screen. (当与Wah Chiu 博士同在一个实验室的姚聪博士后,用计算机展示了血蓝蛋白的图像时,它简直就像由四部分组成的宝石在计算机屏幕上闪烁不定。)


例句:She said, 'I can't have a son named William with the Viet Cong around.' (翻译:她说,‘周围都是越共,我不能有个名叫的儿子。’ )


cong一般作为名词使用,如在Go Cong([地名] 鹅贡 ( 越 ))、Nong Cong([地名] 农贡 ( 越 ))、Phung Cong([地名] 奉功 ( 越 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Go Cong[地名] 鹅贡 ( 越 )
Nong Cong[地名] 农贡 ( 越 )
Phung Cong[地名] 奉功 ( 越 )
Viet Cong[网络] 越共;解密越共游击队;南越的越共
Go Cong Tay[地名] 鹅贡西 ( 越 )


1. When Dr. Yao Cong, a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Wah Chiu, displays the computer representation of hemocyanin, it glows like a four-part jewel on the computer screen. (翻译:当与Wah Chiu 博士同在一个实验室的姚聪博士后,用计算机展示了血蓝蛋白的图像时,它简直就像由四部分组成的宝石在计算机屏幕上闪烁不定。)

2. She said, 'I can't have a son named William with the Viet Cong around.' (翻译:她说,‘周围都是越共,我不能有个名叫的儿子。’ )

3. Life, one of the artistic dimensions of SHE Cong-wens novels on western Hunan, is the key to interpret SHEN s novels. (翻译:“生命”作为沈从文湘西小说的艺术维度之一,是解读沈从文湘西小说的突破口。)

4. The north Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces moved into Saigon directly towards the U.S. facilities. (翻译:北越 与越共 搬进西贡 直接朝 美国设施。)

5. Two of the men, Le Cong Dinh and Nguyen Tien Trung, had previously studied and lived abroad and one, Mr Dinh, is among the country's best-known criminal defence lawyers. (翻译:其中的两人,Le Cong Dinh和Nguyen Tien Trung,之前在国外学习和生活过,而另一位Dinh先生,则是这个国家最知名的刑事辩护律师之一。)

6. Lin Cong has made speech from Marriott brand concept, marketing strategy and other aspects to talk about nature of "brand" . (翻译:林聪先生从万豪的品牌理念、市场策略等方面入手来谈“品牌”中“品”的本质。)

7. Approximately in the Xia Dynasty, Can Cong clan migrated tortuously to Chengdu plain and became the first King of Shu. (翻译:蚕丛氏大约在夏代就从岷山辗转迁徙到达成都平原,成为了第一代蜀王。)

8. This is online map of the address "Liang Shui Jing Zhen Yun Cong Dong Cun , Yuanling County, Huai Hua City, Hunan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国湖南省怀化市沅陵县凉水井镇云丛洞村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

9. Supplied with weapons and reinforcements from the North, the Viet Cong are farmers by day, and fighters by night capable of launching hit-and-run attacks and them melting back into the jungle, undetected. (翻译:并得到来自北方的军事物资和武器的支持 越共白天是农民 晚上变成士兵 进行偷袭 然后撤回到不易被发现的丛林里)

10. By 1958, Communist-led guerrillas known as the Viet Cong had begun to battle the South Vietnamese government. (翻译:1958年,越共游击队即越共开始与南越开战。)

11. Cong said her agency has yet to receive an application from a man. (翻译:丛说,她公司到现在才接到了一份男性的应聘请求。)

12. You expect me to believe that Jin Cong, one of your highest-ranking officers, has been disavowed? (翻译:你指望我会相信这个金康镇 作为你们的高级特工)

13. Jin Cong rejects the reforms in my country. (翻译:已经叛变了 金康镇无法接受我国的改革理念)

14. And we listened while America blamed it all on the Viet Cong. (翻译:我们听到的却是美国将这一切都归咎于越共。)

15. Hopefully, this let the "heroes Ewan" things do not happen again, we never want to see that Cong Fei eye drops hero tears. (翻译:但愿这种让“壮士扼腕”的事情不要再发生,我们永远也不愿看到丛飞眼角那滴英雄泪。)




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