paying是什么意思 paying的中文翻译、读音、例句


paying是什么意思 paying的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 动词 'paying':


- Please make sure you are paying the correct amount before you click 'submit'.(请确认您在点击“提交”之前支付了正确的金额。)

- She was paying her bills online when the internet connection suddenly went off.(她在网上支付账单时,突然断网了。)

- We need to start paying our employees more in order to retain them.(为了留住员工,我们需要开始支付更高的薪水。)

- The company is being accused of not paying its taxes for several years.(这家公司被指控多年来未支付税款。)

- He offered to pay for the dinner, but I insisted on paying my share.(他提出为晚餐买单,坚持要分摊费用。)

2. 名词 'PAYING':


- The paying of bills is done at the end of each month.(账单的支付是每个月末进行的。)

- The late paying of fees will result in a penalty.(迟交费用会导致罚款。)

- The paying of dividends is determined by the company's financial performance.(股息的支付取决于公司的财务表现。)

- Online paying has become increasingly popular in recent years.(近年来,网上支付越来越受欢迎。)

- The company's policy on paying for employees' professional development is very generous.(公司对员工职业发展的支付政策非常慷慨。)

3. 缩写词 'P.A.Y.I.N.G.':

'P.A.Y.I.N.G.'是'Pay As You Go'的缩写,指的是购买预付费的电信服务,可以根据实际消费情况进行充值。以下是五个中英例句:

- He usually uses a P.A.Y.I.N.G. plan for his mobile phone.(他通常使用预付费手机计划。)

- The telecom company offers a range of P.A.Y.I.N.G. options to suit different customers' needs.(电信公司提供多种预付费选项,以满足不同客户的需求。)

- It's easy to switch to a P.A.Y.I.N.G. plan if you find that you're spending too much on your monthly bill.(如果您发现每月账单开销过多,可以轻松切换到预付费计划。)

- Some people prefer P.A.Y.I.N.G. plans because they don't like to be tied down to long-term contracts.(有些人喜欢预付费计划,因为他们不想被长期合同所束缚。)

- The advantage of P.A.Y.I.N.G. plans is that you only pay for what you use, and you can control your spending more easily.(预付费计划的好处是您只支付实际使用的费用,并且可以更轻松地控制开销。)


paying 的中文翻译:付款的,可支付的



1. Are you paying by card or cash?

你是用卡还是现金支付2. This job is not worth doing if it is not paying well.


3. The subscription fee is a paying option for accessing the premium content.





例句:Yankees are paying half your salary. (Yankees are paying half your salary. 你一半的薪水是洋基付的)


例句:Insurer is sick and tired of paying you. (保险公司不想再付钱给你了 {\3cH202020}Insurer is sick and tired of paying you.)


例句:So it was paying the rent. (但现在它居然也给我们带来利润了 我们就用这个来付房租)


例句:Albert White is a paying customer. (翻译:Albert White是一名让我们盈利的客户 Albert White is a paying customer.)


paying一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在paying for([网络] 支付)、paying in(na. 缴款;解款(入银行);捐款)、paying into(na. “pay in”的变体)等常见短语中出现较多。

paying for[网络] 支付
paying inna. 缴款;解款(入银行);捐款
paying intona. “pay in”的变体
paying ability[经] 支付能力
paying administration负责清算付款局
paying agent[经] 代付人, 担当付款人, 收付人
paying attention[网络] 给予关注;注意;专心
paying attentions专心;集中注意力


1. So it was paying the rent. (翻译:但现在它居然也给我们带来利润了 我们就用这个来付房租)

2. Albert White is a paying customer. (翻译:Albert White是一名让我们盈利的客户 Albert White is a paying customer.)

3. The money was good, sure, but... (翻译:-paying job in the private sector to work here? 那工作的确很赚钱 但... The money was good, sure, but...)

4. How much is he paying you? (翻译:他给你多少钱 How much is he paying you?)

5. I guess I was paying attention after all. (翻译:I guess I was paying attention after all.)

6. - Billy, you paying for this? (翻译:但是我只是太害怕去面对自己了 - 比利, 是你请客吗?)

7. - That Mum was paying the landlord. (翻译:- 妈妈在给房东钱 - 不 - That Mum was paying the landlord.)

8. I'm not paying you to talk, I'm not paying for your opinion. (翻译

9. So there is a benefit to state residents that corresponds to the costs that they're paying by paying for these business tax breaks. (翻译:这对于当地的居民是有好处的 虽然他们也需要付出一些代价 他们需要承担那些减免的营业税 )

10. Yeah. Walter: If you keep paying it, (翻译:如果你继续支付 If you keep paying it,)

11. Sir, are you paying back your debts? (翻译:are you paying back your debts?)

12. I just finished paying my mortgage (翻译:boss! I just finished paying my mortgage)

13. I would hate to have everyone paying attention to me like that. (翻译:I would hate to have everyone paying attention to me like that.)

14. Looks like your talk to Bump is paying off. (翻译:似乎你对巴布的谈话起了作用 Looks like your talk to Bump is paying off.)

15. If this hairdresser was paying blackmail too - (翻译:如果这个美发师也被勒索了 -- If this hairdresser was paying blackmail too —)






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