nod是什么意思 nod的中文翻译、读音、例句


nod是什么意思 nod的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 用法:当你想同意或者点头表示赞同时,你可以使用“nod”这个词。

2. 同义词:如果你想在语言中使用与“nod”相同的含义,你可以尝试使用其他一些同义词,如“agree”, “acknowledge”, “confirm”.

3. 反义词:与“nod”相反的单词是“shake”, 这意味着你摇头表示不同意或者拒绝。

4. 搭配: “nod off”意味着要入睡,这是一个非正式用法。


1. She nodded in agreement with his statement. (她点头表示同意他的陈述。)

2. He nodded his head in recognition of her presence. (他点头向她表示存在认可。)

3. The baby nodded off in my arms. (婴儿在我怀里睡着了。)

4. She gave a nod to her friend to indicate it was time to leave. (她对她的朋友点了点头,表示该走了。)

5. He nodded his head in disbelief at the news. (他听到这个消息后,不敢相信,摇了摇头。)



1. She nodded in agreement.(她点头表示同意。)

2. The teacher nodded to him to start the presentation.(老师点了点头示意他开始演讲。)

3. He was so tired that he kept nodding off during the meeting.(他太累了,在会议期间一直打瞌睡。)

4. The old man nodded at the children playing in the park.(老人向在公园玩耍的孩子点了点头。)




例句:If the governor talks to you, you will smile, nod, and say you're needed in polling (如果州长跟你说话 你就微笑,点头,然后说你需要去三楼调查投票)


例句:They're beak to beak, wing to wing... and it's Nod by a tail feather! (Wing to Wing by a tail -feather!)


例句:To sit at the empty place at a card table... and be greeted, even by a nod. (在空旷之处 坐在牌桌前 人们对你致意 还有人向你点头)


例句:An easy example is against Nod, going for an early expansion is like castrating yourself, unless you know your opponent and they never use Shadow Teams. (翻译:简单的例子是对抗Nod,采取早期扩张就像自裁一样,除非你知道你的对手从来不会用影子快攻。)


nod一般作为名词、动词使用,如在nod at(对…点头;同意,答应,认可,批准…)、nod into(以点头(方式)示意(某人)进入)、nod to(向…点头)等常见短语中出现较多。

nod at对…点头;同意,答应,认可,批准…
nod into以点头(方式)示意(某人)进入
nod to向…点头
on the nod默许, 赊购\n[经] 赊购
to nod[网络] 点头;点头招呼
drop a nod行屈膝礼
get the nod得到认可,被选中
give the nod〈口〉认可,批准,选中
Jack Nod[网络] 杰克诺德


1. To sit at the empty place at a card table... and be greeted, even by a nod. (翻译:在空旷之处 坐在牌桌前 人们对你致意 还有人向你点头)

2. An easy example is against Nod, going for an early expansion is like castrating yourself, unless you know your opponent and they never use Shadow Teams. (翻译:简单的例子是对抗Nod,采取早期扩张就像自裁一样,除非你知道你的对手从来不会用影子快攻。)

3. When update is complete, NOD32 will remind you. You can then click "Hide" to minimize the NOD32 Control Center. (翻译:更新完成后,NOD32会提示你。然后你可按“隐藏”来隐藏NOD32控制中心。)

4. Just nod your head if any of this is getting through to you. (翻译:如果你明白了哪怕一点 就点点头 好吧 算了)

5. Nod your head if you understand. (翻译:成年人不会喊 成年人会心平气和地谈 如果你听明白了就点下头)

6. Nod your head if you believe me. (翻译:相信我的话就点点头 {\3cH202020}Nod your head if you believe me.)

7. "Have the Lao the grandfather." the east madam hurtles namely to nod. (翻译:“有劳贵公公。”东方夫人冲着那点点头。)

8. You think they'll all nod and understand thewayyour stupid dog does? (翻译:你指望他们会像你的那只蠢狗一样 对你的说辞点头称是吗)

9. Your approving nod, as you hear my answers. (翻译:你要看似满意的点头,就如你听到了我的回答。)

10. It is my nod to gentler times... and present company. (翻译:那是我对已逝娴雅时光 暨当前在座侣伴 小小的致意。)

11. They depart, with a smile and a nod, and we miss them, and feel resentful. (翻译:他们微笑着点点头,离开了,而我们又怀念他们,又怨恨他们。)

12. The eldest brother becomes and want ~only you nod (翻译:大哥成,只要你一点头 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The eldest brother becomes and want ~only you nod)

13. Nod your head if you can hear me? (翻译:- Frankie... 听到我说话就点点头.)

14. So, from now on, just nod or shake your head, okay? (翻译:所以, 现在开始, So, from now on, 只要点头摇头, 好吗? just nod or shake your head, okay?)

15. And Mutta was happy with Seelem and her three sons, Thumb, Thimble, and Nod. (翻译:玛特和希姆以及她的三个儿子拇拇、顶顶、诺诺在一起,日子过得幸福快乐。)






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