garages是什么意思 garages的中文翻译、读音、例句


garages是什么意思 garages的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , explanations and example sentences for the given word "garages" from different perspectives. Here are some possible explanations:

1. Etymology and meaning:

The word "garage" comes from the French word "garer" which means "to shelter or store". In English, it refers to a building or a space where cars or other vehicles can be parked or stored, typically attached to or part of a house or other structure. It can also refer to a commercial establishment where vehicles are repaired or serviced.

Example sentences:

- I keep my car in the garage to protect it from the weather.

- The garage is full of tools and equipment for car maintenance.

- There is a garage next to the house where they run a small auto repair business.

- He converted his old garage into a studio for his band.

- The new housing development has a communal garage for residents' cars.

2. Abbreviation and usage:

"Garages" can also be used as an abbreviation for different types of electronic music genres that emerged in the UK in the 1990s, such as UK garage, speed garage, 2-step garage, etc. These genres have a distinctive beat and rhythm influenced by house, R&B, and other styles.

Example sentences:

- He's a big fan of garage music and goes to raves every weekend.

- The DJ played a set of classic UK garage tracks at the party.

- The garage scene in London was thriving in the late 1990s.

- This song has a catchy garage beat that makes you want to dance.

- Garage music has evolved into various subgenres and continues to be popular worldwide.

3. Cultural and social significance:

Garages also have cultural and social significance in some societies, especially in the US, where they are often associated with sub lifestyles, family values, and recreational activities. Garages can serve as a multipurpose space for storage, DIY projects, hobbies, and gatherings.

Example sentences:

- Many American families use their garages as a workshop or a man cave.

- He spent the whole weekend cleaning and organizing his garage.

- The neighborhood garage sale is a popular event in the spring.

- She invited her friends over for a barbecue in the garage.

- The garage is where he taught his son how to fix cars and build things.

Overall, "garages" as a word or abbreviation can have different meanings and uses depending on the context and culture. As an English teacher, it's important to help students understand the nuances and variations of language, and to provide them with relevant and diverse examples.



1. I parked my car in the garage last night.


2. The mechanic is working on my car in the garage.


3. They are building a new garage for their three cars.





例句:For years, tinkerers in garages, professors at universities, and scientists at corporations have essentially been reinventing the wheel each time they develop a new robot. (多年来,车库里的修理工、大学教授、公司中的科学家们基本上是每制作一个新的机器人,就要从头开始重新设计。)


例句:Meanwhile, on the tech side, we have lots of wonderful people creating wonderful things, but they started in garages and they didn't need the government and they don't want the government. (与此同时,在科技领域, 很多很棒的人在制作很棒的东西, 但是他们是从车库开始的-不需要, 他们不想要。)


例句:Many garages closed down in 1996 because of recession. (96年宏观调控 很多左軚车行都支持不住 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Many garages closed down in 1996 because of recession.)


例句:I'm checking garages to see if any vehicles fitting the description were turned in with transmission problems over the last week. (翻译:我在查有没有汽车修理厂 上周修理过 符合此类 变速器泄露的货车)


garages一般作为名词使用,如在parking garages(un. 多层停车库\n[网络] 泊车车场)等常见短语中出现较多。

parking garagesun. 多层停车库\n[网络] 泊车车场


1. Many garages closed down in 1996 because of recession. (翻译:96年宏观调控 很多左軚车行都支持不住 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Many garages closed down in 1996 because of recession.)

2. I'm checking garages to see if any vehicles fitting the description were turned in with transmission problems over the last week. (翻译:我在查有没有汽车修理厂 上周修理过 符合此类 变速器泄露的货车)

3. Men use garages for many things. (翻译:男人可以用车库干很多事情。)

4. And from these bedrooms and living rooms and garages, with cheap webcams, lies the world's great dancers of tomorrow. (翻译:从卧室到客厅到车库 用廉价的摄像机 培养了明天世界上最伟大的舞蹈家 )

5. This company has built automated garages in several countries overseas and in the United States for residents of a Washington, D.C. (翻译:这家公司已经在海外和美国的几个国家为华盛顿的居民建造了自动化车库。)

6. And from these bedrooms and living rooms and garages, with cheap webcams, lies the world's great dancers of tomorrow. (翻译:从卧室到客厅到车库 用廉价的摄像机 培养了明天世界上最伟大的舞蹈家)

7. Mine was a white Lamborghini Jalpa and I know of innumerable Countach 's that have been immortalized in bedrooms, offices and garages around the world. (翻译:我的是一辆白色的兰博基尼费尔帕。我听说无以计数的康塔奇系列车型海报遍布于世界各地的卧室、办公室以及车库。)

8. This parking ticket belongs to a van that's registered to one of your garages. (翻译:这是违规停车罚单 这台货车登记在你名下的车行)

9. Chicago has raised $3. 5 billion since 2005 by leasing a tollway, garages and parking meters. (翻译:自从2005年芝加哥市出租收费公路,车库和停车仪表赚得35亿美元。)

10. Manicured lawns and two-car garages are on every block. (翻译:每户都有修剪整齐的草坪和双车库。)

11. And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes that people could build in their garages. (翻译:后来,我涉猎飞机制造,并从中的到甚多乐趣 那些飞机是人们可以在自家车库里制造的。)

12. That's the 20th century for you. Automobiles. Garages. (翻译:这就是你谈到的 20世纪汽车、车房...)

13. And then I went in and I had a lot of fun building airplanes that people could build in their garages. (翻译:后来,我涉猎飞机制造,并从中的到甚多乐趣 那些飞机是人们可以在自家车库里制造的。)

14. We've been hiding him in alleys and garages, in the woods for three years. (翻译:三年来 我们一直都把他藏在 胡同 车库 树林里)

15. There are bottling plants for water and Coca-Cola, plus tanneries, garages and a cannery. (翻译:这里有瓶装水和可口可乐工厂、制革厂、汽车修理厂和一所罐头厂。)






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