ksb是什么意思 ksb的中文翻译、读音、例句


ksb是什么意思 ksb的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. KSB是一个品牌名称:KSB是一家德国企业,专门生产和销售泵和阀门等流体设备。在德国和全球范围内,KSB都是极为知名和著名的品牌。因此,在一些与泵或阀门相关的场合,ksb可能指代KSB集团或其产品。

- The ksb pumps were installed in the factory last week.

- The quality of the ksb valves is highly recognized by the industry.

- I am looking for a reliable ksb supplier for my project.

- The KSB group has a long history and rich experience in fluid technology.

- KSB China is committed to providing customers with high-quality and energy-efficient products.

2. KSB可以是一个缩写词:在不同的行业和场合中,ksb也可作为缩写词出现。其中,最常见的解释是"Kill Steal Boss",意味着在在线游戏中抢夺了其他玩家的收益或成功。此外,KSB还可以代表其它人名、组织或含义。

- He got the MVP this time because he didn't ksb during the game.

- Stop ksbing in the game and let's work together as a team.

- KSB is the abbreviation of the Korean Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering.

- The new policy of KSB is aimed at providing better services to its customers.

- John is a KSB of the company, responsible for marketing and sales.

3. KSB还可以作为一些专业术语的缩写:在工程学、金融、医学等学科领域中,ksb也可能代表特定的专业术语,例如低音扬声器(Klipsch Synergy B20)等。

- The KSB of the finance industry is highly demanded.

- The KSBs used in this project need to pass the safety test.

- The sound quality of KSB is highly appreciated by the audiophiles.

- The installation of KSBs requires a professional team and equipment.

- The KSBs in this hospital are out of stock at the moment.

4. KSB可能是拼写错误或打字错误:有时,ksb也可能是一些人在拼写或打字时的错误。这种情况下,ksb会被视为错误的拼写或打字,无具体含义和用途。

- , I made a ksb in the email I sent yesterday.

- The correct spelling of the word is 'kiss', not ksb.

- The software automatically corrects common typos like ksb and others.

- Please double-check the spelling of the word before you submit your report.

- The ksb on the document has been corrected by the editor.


1. The ksb pumps were installed in the factory last week. 上周,工厂内安装了ksb泵。

2. Stop ksbing in the game and let's work together as a team. 不要抢BOSS,让我们一起合作吧。

3. The KSB of the finance industry is highly demanded. 金融行业的KSB需求量很大。

4. ,我昨天发送的电子邮件中打错了字母。

5. The ksb on the document has been corrected by the editor. 文件上的拼写错误已经被编辑纠正了。

KSB的中文翻译为凯撒泵业,读音为kē sā bèng yè。


1. KSB是一家全球领先的泵制造商和供应商。

2. 凯撒泵业的产品质量和技术水平在行业内都有一定的口碑。

3. 我们需要购买一台高效的凯撒泵来满足生产需求。




例句:With its newly developed diffuser, the KSB Group has managed to lower by 20 dB the noise emission of a large pump produced 21 years ago in what was then the GDR. (通过最新研制的消声器,凯士比公司成功将21年前生产的一台噪音很大的大型机泵的声音降低了20分贝。)


例句:Mr Haag runs a unit of KSB, a German firm that produces pumps and the motors that power them. (汉格先生经营着德国凯士比的一个工厂,凯士比是德国的一家生产泵和驱动泵的发动机的企业。)


例句:Provide training to customer as well as other KSB staff. (向客户和其他KSB工作人员提供培训。)


例句:How may shifts KSB Halle is working for the casing machining? (翻译:怎么可能转变为寝食难安哈里是套管加工吗。)


1. Provide training to customer as well as other KSB staff. (翻译:向客户和其他KSB工作人员提供培训。)

2. How may shifts KSB Halle is working for the casing machining? (翻译:怎么可能转变为寝食难安哈里是套管加工吗。)

3. Scan drawings and standards to PDF, up load to KSB-SH network, and administer and update the electronic drawings and standards. (翻译:准备图纸和标准资料的电子版、上传到局域网,并对网上资料管理和更新。)




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