unstoppable是什么意思 unstoppable的中文翻译、读音、例句


unstoppable是什么意思 unstoppable的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义:指无法被阻挡或阻止的,坚不可摧的。可以形容物理力量、意志力、情感等方面的力量。

2. 词性:形容词

3. 同义词:irresistible, invincible, unconquerable

4. 反义词:stoppable, vulnerable

5. 用法:

- 该单词可以用来描述在某个领域中成功并持续前进,例如说一个球队可能被形容为“不可阻挡的”。

- 该单词还可用于描述一个人或团队对于完成某个目标的坚定决心,例如说:“他们的决心是不可战胜的,他们一定会成功”。

- 该单词也可用于描述一个人或团队在某项事业中所表现出来的坚韧不拔的品质,例如说:“他们的勇气是不可遏制的,他们的努力必将展现出显著效果”。

- 该单词也可以用来描述物理力量的强度和持久性,例如说:“该地区正在遭受一场不可阻挡的暴风雪”。

- 该单词在口语中也可以作为一种口头承诺,表明某人一定会完成某项任务,例如说:“我会无所畏惧地面对所有的挑战,因为我是不可战胜的”。


1. The unstoppable force of the ocean waves was a sight to behold. 大海浪高过人,势不可挡,让人叹为观止。

2. The team’s unstoppable determination to win the championship was evident in every game they played. 球队赢得冠军的决心是坚不可摧的,每场比赛都显然表现得十分出色。

3. Despite the setbacks, the researchers showed an unstoppable persistence in their quest for a cure. 尽管遭遇了一些挫折,但该团队通过不懈的努力不断探索,试图找到治愈的办法。

4. The unstoppable growth of the company is largely due to its innovative products and strong customer support. 公司不可阻挡的快速发展,很大程度上归因于其创新的产品和强大的客户支持。

5. I will prove to everyone that I am unstoppable in achieving my dreams. 我会向所有人证明,在实现我的梦想方面,我是不可战胜的。

英 [ʌn'stɒpəbl] 美 [ʌn'stɑːpəbl]



1. His determination to succeed was unstoppable.


2. The momentum of the team was unstoppable as they continued to win game after game.


3. The hurricane was unstoppable and caused widespread destruction.


unstoppable在英语中代表"不可停止的 、不可阻碍的"的意思,在日常中也代表"无法阻挡的"的意思,发音是[ʌnˈstɒpəbl],unstoppable是一个英语形容词,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到77个与unstoppable相关的例句。



例句:This chain of events will then prove unstoppable, thus precipitating World War III. (这一连串事件将不可阻挡 进而加速引发第三次世界大战)


例句:with something ever more sensational would so work together to create just this unstoppable tide of disregard for the national interest. (在直播中竞争的记者 用一些更加耸人听闻的 [科尔比承认在美国实施间谍[ 一起合作创建出)


例句:Between 1947 and 1949, the government replaced dozens of politicians and four top police inspectors, but the outlaw was unstoppable. (在1947至1949年间 换了成打的政客 和四位一级警督 但他们依然逍遥法外)


例句:The god Vulcan crafts magical blades, each with a specific unstoppable power, and unleashes them upon an unsuspecting world. (翻译:神武坎制造了精美的刀剑,每一把都拥有特殊的无法阻挡的力量,并且能在未曾猜想到的世界里释放它们。)


1. Between 1947 and 1949, the government replaced dozens of politicians and four top police inspectors, but the outlaw was unstoppable. (翻译:在1947至1949年间 换了成打的政客 和四位一级警督 但他们依然逍遥法外)

2. The god Vulcan crafts magical blades, each with a specific unstoppable power, and unleashes them upon an unsuspecting world. (翻译:神武坎制造了精美的刀剑,每一把都拥有特殊的无法阻挡的力量,并且能在未曾猜想到的世界里释放它们。)

3. We can be part of a growing, unstoppable movement to have millions of Americans enter recovery, and put an end to this epidemic. (翻译:我们可以成为一个 不断进步的美国运动的一部分, 让百万美国人的得到康复治疗, 并结束这个不好的风潮。)

4. Nothing's unstoppable except for me when I'm stopping you from telling me something's unstoppable! (翻译:除了我要阻止你说有东西是无法阻止的之外 没有什么是无法阻止的)

5. Sensing that the time had come, Gul'dan united the warring clans into a single unstoppable Horde. (翻译:古尔丹觉得时机已经成熟了,就将互相征伐的各个氏族联合成了一个统一的、无可阻挡的部落。)

6. And this is visible in the unstoppable change in language -- the fact that by the time the Academy finishes their dictionary, it will already be well out of date. (翻译:而在语言的不停变化中,这是显而易见的 事实上,当法兰西学院完成他们的词典时 它早已经过时了。)

7. Listen, with your availability and my mystique, we-- we're unstoppable! (翻译:听着,靠你的单身 和我的神秘,咱们... ...)

8. 'cause the laws of fluid mechanics, make it unstoppable. (翻译:因为流体力学的法则... 水不会停在那里)

9. If trends continue, China's population is actually going to peak in 2029, before entering "unstoppable decline." (翻译:如果这个趋势继续下去, 中国的人口将在2029年达到顶峰, 然后就开始进入“无法阻止的下降”。)

10. This brain is unstoppable. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}是不可能被阻止思考的 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}this brain is unstoppable.)

11. - And then you will be stopped by the unstoppable weapon. (翻译:- 我们偷偷潜入, 然后 - 然后你们就会被拦住 被那无法阻止的武器打败)

12. Napoleon seemingly unstoppable momentum would die in the Russian winter snows, along with most of his army. (翻译:看似锐不可当的势头在 俄罗斯的冬雪中消磨殆尽, 随葬的还有他绝大部分。)

13. They're unstoppable. I'm just gonna fire them. (翻译:Kabasir他们不能阻止他们将他们赶出)

14. The question, what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object? (翻译:问题是 内森与拉特利奇 无法阻止与无法击败! 一个无法阻档的力量 碰上无法移动的物体会如何?)

15. I'm doing three surgeries today, did four yesterday. I'm unstoppable. (翻译:我今天做了3个手术 昨天做了4个 无人可挡)




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