
关于”我的朋友比较级“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My friend's comparative degree。以下是关于我的朋友比较级的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”我的朋友比较级“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My friend's comparative degree。以下是关于我的朋友比较级的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My friend's comparative degree

My Friend's English Writing - Comparative Degree

My friend is a very interesting person. She is tall and slim, with long hair and a friendly smile. When it comes to her English writing skills, I can see a lot of improvement.

In the past, her writing was good, but now it is much better. She has been working hard to improve her grammar and vocabulary. She uses more complex sentence structures and more academic vocabulary. I can see that she has been reading a lot of books and articles in English.

Compared to last year, her writing is now more organized and coherent. Her ideas flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next. She also uses transitions and linking words to connect her ideas.

What impresses me most is her use of metaphors and similes to make her writing more vivid and engaging. She uses these literary devices to describe people, places, and situations in a creative way.

Overall, I am very proud of my friend's progress in English writing. She has come a long way and I can't wait to see how much more she will improve in the future.








My Friend (Comparative Degree)






Translation (in Chinese):


I have a good friend. Her name is Xiaohong. She is taller compared to others. She has black long hair and big eyes. Her smile is very charming.

Xiaohong is a very intelligent student. She is smarter than me. She always achieves good grades in exams. She is especially good at math and English, often helping me with difficult problems.

Xiaohong is very friendly and helpful. She is more patient than me. Whenever I encounter difficulties, she is always willing to help me. She always gives me encouragement and support, me feel warm and comforted.

In addition, Xiaohong is also good at sports. She is more athletic than me. She frequently partites in school team competitions and wins many awards. I often learn sports skills from her.

In conclusion, Xiaohong is my best friend. She is taller, smarter, friendlier, and more athletic than me. I am fortunate to have her as a friend.


My Friend - Comparative Degree

My friend, Wendy, is undoubtedly more outgoing than me. She has an incredible ability to strike up conversations with strangers effortlessly, while I often feel shy and hesitant to approach new people. Wendy's outgoing nature allows her to make friends easily and expand her social network.

In terms of appearance, Wendy is also more fashionable than me. She always keeps up with the latest fashion trends and knows how to put together stylish outfits. On the other hand, I prefer a simpler and more casual style, often opting for comfortable clothes rather than trendy ones.

Furthermore, Wendy is much more adventurous than me. She loves trying new activities and visiting new places, such as hiking in the mountains or exploring exotic cities. In contrast, I tend to stick to my comfort zone and prefer familiar activities and destinations.

In terms of academic performance, however, I excel more than Wendy. I am diligent and motivated to study, achieving high grades in various subjects. Wendy, on the other hand, tends to struggle a bit and needs to put in extra effort to achieve satisfactory results.

Despite these differences, Wendy and I have a strong bond of friendship. We complement each other, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses. She encourages me to be more outgoing and adventurous, while I provide support and assistance with academic matters.

我的朋友 - 比较级









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