
关于”校园艺术节“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Campus Art Festival。以下是关于校园艺术节的六年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”校园艺术节“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Campus Art Festival。以下是关于校园艺术节的六年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus Art Festival

One possible way is: last month, our class partited in the school's Art Festival. We held a class meeting to discuss what to perform in the festival. My classmates had several ideas, such as performing drama, singing or dancing, because many of us wanted to partite in it.

Drama was our last choice. After the discussion, we started the preparatory work. Although most of us are not familiar with drama, we are confident to try all the actors and actors and start practicing the drama of our choice.

At the same time, other students are also preparing stage supplies, such as the costumes and other decorations made by our monitor. The big day of cute hat in this play has finally arrived. Every actor and actress has shown his best performance, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

As they stepped onto the podium, applause broke out. Our dream came true with the joint efforts of the whole process.





Recently, our school held a splendid campus arts festival. The festival was a grand and colorful celebration of our school's diverse talents and cultural heritage.

The festival showcased a wide range of artistic expressions, including music, dance, drama, painting, calligraphy, and poetry. The performances were both entertaining and educational, and the audience was treated to an array of breathtaking performances.

The festival not only provided a platform for students to showcase their artistic talents, but it also served as an opportunity for cultural exchange and appreciation. Students from different backgrounds and cultures shared their unique traditions and customs, helping to foster understanding and cooperation amongst us.

Overall, the campus arts festival was an event that truly reflected the diversity and creativity of our school. It was an occasion for celebration, learning, and cultural exchange, and it left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.






Everyone has a dream. When I was young, I wanted to be a radio show host. We know that there are many listeners on the radio, especially those drivers who are not only dangerous but also tired.

So I hope I can tell them some important information about safe driving with my beautiful voice, and I can also play some beautiful music for them Let them not feel lonely.






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