
关于”期末总结“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Final summary。以下是关于期末总结的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”期末总结“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Final summary。以下是关于期末总结的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Final summary

As the semester comes to an end, it is time to reflect on everything that has been learned and accomplished over the past few months. Looking back, there have been many challenges and triumphs, but most importantly, there has been growth.

Throughout the semester, we have covered a wide range of topics, from grammar and vocabulary to literature and culture. Each lesson has been an opportunity to expand our knowledge and deepen our understanding of the English language.

One of the biggest challenges has been adapting to remote learning. With cl taking place online, it has been difficult to stay focused and engaged at times. However, with the help of supportive teachers, classmates, and technology, we have been able to stay on track and continue progress.

There have also been many triumphs to celebrate, such as mastering a new grammar rule or acing a difficult test. These small accomplishments have added up over time, boosting our confidence and motivating us to work harder.

Overall, this semester has been a valuable learning experience. It has taught us not only about English, but also about perseverance, adaptability, and the importance of community. As we move forward, we will carry these lessons with us and continue to grow and improve in all aspects of our lives.







Title: English Final Summary 英语期末总结


The end of the term is here, and it is time to reflect on what we have learned in English class. Throughout the term, we have honed our language skills, expanded our vocabulary, and delved into various writing techniques. This article will summarize the key aspects of our English learning journey.


Listening and Speaking:

Improving our listening and speaking skills has been one of the main focuses of our English class. We practiced listening to different accents and various audio materials, such as podcasts and speeches. Engaging in group discussions and presentations helped us become more confident speakers. We also learned to listen actively, taking notes and asking questions to ensure better comprehension.


Reading and Comprehension:

Our reading assignments have been diverse, covering a wide range of topics and genres. From novels and short stories to news articles and essays, we explored different writing styles and learned to yze and interpret texts. Extensive reading helped us improve our comprehension skills, and we also developed strategies for tackling unfamiliar vocabulary.


Writing Skills:

Our English class has provided us with ample opportunities to enhance our writing skills. We have practiced various types of essays, such as descriptive, narrative, and argumentative, focusing on proper paragraph structure, grammar, and vocabulary usage. We also learned how to brainstorm ideas, create outlines, and revise our work effectively.



Translation exercises played a crucial role in improving our understanding of both English and our native language. It provided us with an opportunity to apply our vocabulary and grammar knowledge while bridging the gap between two languages. Through translation tasks, we developed a better grasp of idiomatic expressions and cultural nuances.



In conclusion, this English term has been a fulfilling experience, allowing us to enhance our language skills in various aspects. We have improved our listening and speaking abilities, expanded our vocabulary, and strengthened our reading and writing skills. By actively partiting in class activities, practicing regularly, and seeking continuous improvement, we have laid a solid foundation for our future English language development.


Remember, learning English is a lifelong journey, and the effort we put in now will bring us closer to achieving fluency and proficiency in the language.


英语期末总结完整版 END





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