my dream job英语作文_四年级真题英语作文3篇

关于”my dream job“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My Dream Job。以下是关于my dream job的四年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

my dream job英语作文_四年级真题英语作文3篇

关于”my dream job“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My Dream Job。以下是关于my dream job的四年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Dream Job

Growing up my father is a famous cook, and I like cooking too. I often cook delicious food I will learn a lot about nutrition (step 2): (write your answer in an article) example: I want to be a cook when I grow up, because my father is a famous cook, and I also like cooking. My father said that if I want to be a good cook, I must learn very much More knowledge about nutrition, then I can cook healthy food for people, so now I have to study hard (step 3): (add something) for example: everyone has an ideal job, I also do it I want to be a cook when I grow up, because my father is a famous cook, and I like cooking, my father said, if I want to be a good cook I have to learn that I can make healthy food for people, so I must study hard now I believe I can be a good cook like my father I start writing) your writing.


成长 我父亲是一位著名的厨师我也喜欢烹饪我经常做美味的食物 我会学到很多关于营养的知识 (第二步):(把你的答案写进一篇文章中) 示例: 我长大后想当厨师,因为我父亲是一位著名的厨师我也喜欢烹饪我父亲说如果我想成为一名好厨师,我必须学习很多关于营养的知识,然后我才能为人们烹调健康的食物,所以我现在必须努力学习 (第三步):(添加一些东西) 例如: 每个人都有一份理想的工作我也做 我长大后想成为一名厨师,因为我父亲是一名著名的厨师我也喜欢烹饪我父亲说,如果我想成为一名好厨师,我必须学习我可以为人们做健康的食物,所以我现在必须努力学习 我相信我可以像我父亲一样成为一名好厨师 我开始写作) 你的写作。


(my dream job) everyone has a dream, but for me, becoming a lawyer seems to be an ideal job, because when people encounter difficulties or difficulties, this job can help them, and I can do my best to achieve fairness in the world. I think if I become a lawyer, I will be able to make a living by doing what I like, I can make money for my parents, no one can predict the future, so I have to work hard from now on in order to realize my dream in the near future.



满分英语范文3:my dream job

"My dream home": learning security alarm visual telephone my dream home is a villa, it is located by the sea, the villa has two yards, the front yard is a garden, there are many beautiful flowers and plants in the garden, there is a swimming pool in the backyard, because my family all like swimming, there is a big hall on the first floor. When you enter the gate, there is one on the right side of the hall Living room, where we can relax, rest, watch TV and have fun. On the second floor, there is a computer room and a study belonging to me.

There are six bedrooms and bathrooms in the villa. The villa will be equipped with modern equipment, such as computer-controlled security alarm, video phone, automatic door lifting shaft. That is my dream home.






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