




In my opinion, in a few years, the world will change. We can spend our holidays on the moon. We will have videophones.

We can shop and do physical examinations with videophones. Some scientists will live under the sea. Students don't have to go to school.

They can learn through TV and radio. Housework will be done by robots. This is my view of the modern future.




In the past, my hometown was very small. I used to live in a small town surrounded by trees. There were no high-rise buildings.

The only street was very narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see all kinds of fish swimming in the clear water.

At that moment, people here lived a simple life. Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big shops and factories everywhere All kinds of cars and buses run on the broad streets, but with the development of industry, our trees are less and less, air and water pollution is more and more serious.

We must take measures to prevent pollution and make our town more beautiful.




"We are reading the first section of the first chapter of a book, the number of pages is infinite" I don't know who wrote these words, but I always like them to remind us that the future can be anything we want, and we can create anything we can imagine from the mysterious, hazy future, just like a sculptor carving on a shapeless stone Like, if we plant a good seed, we are all farmers; if our seed is poor and s are overgrown, we will harvest a good harvest; if we plant nothing, we will harvest a useless crop, we will get nothing. I hope the future will be better than the past. I do not want it to be polluted by the mistakes and mistakes full of history We should all be concerned about the future, because that is the memory of where we will spend our lives.

The past is past, still, and nothing we can do can change it. The future is in front of us. Everything we do will have an impact, and every day will bring new areas.

In our families and businesses, if we recognize them, we will Every field of human endeavor is only the beginning of progress.


“我们正在读一本书第一章的第一节,它的页数是无限的” 我不知道是谁写的这些话,但我一直喜欢它们来提醒我们,未来可以是我们想要的任何东西,我们可以把神秘、朦胧的未来,从中创造出我们能想象到的任何东西,就像雕刻家在一块不成形的石头上雕刻雕像一样,如果我们种下一颗好,我们都是农民的位置;如果我们的贫瘠,杂草丛生,我们就会收获一个好收成;如果我们什么也不种,我们就会收获一个无用的庄稼,我们什么收获都没有‰我希望未来比过去更美好我不希望它被充满历史的错误和错误所染我们都应该关心未来,因为那是我们将在那里度过我们生命的回忆‰过去已经过去,静止不动,我们所能做的任何事都无法改变它未来就在我们面前我们所做的每一件事都会产生影响,每天都会带来新的领域,在我们的家庭和企业中,如果我们认识到它们,我们在人类努力的每一个领域都只是进步的开始。




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