
关于”明星客座教授“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Star guest professor。以下是关于明星客座教授的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”明星客座教授“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Star guest professor。以下是关于明星客座教授的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Star guest professor

Recently, some universities and colleges have started to invite celebrities to be guest lecturers. They are often invited to give lectures on their personal experiences or expertise. This trend has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the field of entertainment and sports.

On one hand, inviting celebrities as guest lecturers can bring a lot of attention and publicity to universities and colleges. It gives students the opportunity to learn from successful people who have achieved fame and fortune in their respective fields. It also provides students with a chance to interact with these celebrities and learn from their experiences.

On the other hand, some critics argue that inviting celebrities as guest lecturers can be a distraction from the academic mission of the university or college. They argue that these guest lecturers often lack the academic qualifications and experience necessary to teach students effectively. Additionally, some students may be more interested in meeting the celebrity than in learning the material being taught.

Overall, while there are some potential downsides to inviting celebrities as guest lecturers, the benefits of this trend cannot be ignored. As long as the guest lecturers are selected carefully and the lectures are well-planned and structured, this can be a valuable addition to any university or college curriculum.


There is no doubt that my fellow monk, father Martin, is an absent-minded professor who often substitutes for sick priests in other parishes. One Saay, he found himself on a train bound for a new destination, frantically searching his pocket for tickets. "Forget it, father." The conductor recognized him as a regular.

"I believe you paid the ticket." father Martin replied nervously, "I want to know where I'm going.".





We have hired a visiting professor, Dean's office, red star middle school, Professor Jackson, Professor of the Ministry of education, East University, our city, respected professor Jackson. We plan to give our students some basic knowledge of psychology. According to the recommendation of Professor Liu, head of your department, please come to our school to give lectures.

If it is convenient for you, we will appoint you as the guest seat of psychology Professor, from September 1 to January 1, we will pay ¥ and ¥ every month in a semester. We will also provide you with a two bedroom apartment for your rest and work. We hope you can get your favorable comments as soon as possible.






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