




Nowadays, more and more advertits appear in newspapers, radio, magazines and people on the street have different views on advertits. Some people think that advertising can help people have a wider range of choices and help consumers better understand the goods and merchants. Consumers can not only obtain commodity knowledge, but also enjoy art.

Many people think that advertising is very unpleasant. Consumers are often deceived by false advertits, in which consumers always waste a lot of time. What's more, consumers hate to be interrupted when they watch TV dramas, so advertising should be limited, but whether you like it or not, advertising has become a part of our life.





In modern society, advertits can be seen everywhere. They appear on TV screens, occupy prominent positions in newspapers and magazines, on walls and even on buses. It is difficult to find a public place without advertits.

Indeed, advertits play an important role in economic activities. They introduce new products and promote sales. Unfortunately, some advertits are untrue.

They deceive consumers in some way, admitting that advertits can help us, and we should always be on guard against them.




(advertising) with the development of the market economy, advertising has become a major feature of the television industry. Although television has brought a wealth of information, the criticism of TV advertising still exists. Almost at any time, anywhere, there are positive and negative effects on TV advertising.

We can yze it through this article, and we may find that we are covered by various advertising packages Around, on TV, in newspapers, on buses, on the street, on a small ball point pen, we can safely claim that we live in an advertising world, which is full of many fictitious advertits. First of all, advertits are not always real. Many advertits are real.

Second, advertits may cause unhealthy competition among businesses. Third, good products are not On the other hand, it is undeniable that TV can greatly enrich people's lives. TV programs can be accepted all over the world.

The most important thing is that you don't have to pay any fees for TV stations. Secondly, TV advertits bring convenience to people's lives and help consumers choose commodities. Thirdly, advertising has become an important part of TV advertising For the beautiful decorations in our life, we can make our life colorful with beautiful pictures and words.

In fact, it has become an indispensable thing in our life now. It is stupid to throw away the baby and the bath water together. The government should impose a heavier income tax on advertising.

What we should do is to ban false and deceptive advertits and encourage the healthy development of the advertising industry.






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