
关于”戒烟的建议“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Quitting smoking suggestions。以下是关于戒烟的建议的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”戒烟的建议“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Quitting smoking suggestions。以下是关于戒烟的建议的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Quitting smoking suggestions

Smoking is a harmful habit that not only affects the smoker's health but also influences those around them. As an excellent student, I would like to offer some suggestions on how to quit smoking.

First of all, smokers need to have a strong desire and determination to quit smoking. They should understand the harm of smoking and the benefits of quitting. They can start by reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke every day and eventually quitting altogether.

Secondly, smokers should seek help from their family, friends, and healthcare professionals. They can join a support group or seek counseling to receive support and motivation.

Thirdly, smokers can try alternative methods to quit smoking. These may include nicotine patches, gum, or other medications that can help reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Lastly, smokers should adopt a healthy lifestyle to help them quit smoking. This includes exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress effectively.

In conclusion, quitting smoking is a challenging but necessary step towards a healthier and happier life. With determination, support, and alternative methods, smokers can successfully break the habit and improve their well-being.








Giving up Smoking: Some Suggestions


Smoking is a harmful habit that not only damages our health but also affects those around us. It is a difficult addiction to overcome, but with determination and the right approach, it is possible to quit smoking and improve our overall well-being. Here are some suggestions to help you kick the habit:


1. Set a quit date: Choose a specific date to stop smoking and mark it on your calendar. Having a deadline will give you a clear goal to work towards and enhance your motivation.

1. 确定戒烟日期:选择一个特定的日期戒烟,并在日历上标注出来。有一个截止日期会给你一个明确的目标,并增强你的动力。

2. Seek support: Inform your family, friends, and colleagues about your decision to quit smoking. Their encouragement and understanding will provide a strong support system. Additionally, consider joining a support group or speaking with a healthcare professional for guidance.

2. 寻求支持:告知你的家人、朋友和同事你戒烟的决定。他们的鼓励和理解将为你提供一个强大的支持系统。此外,考虑加入一个支持小组或与医疗专业人士交谈以寻求指导。

3. Identify triggers: Recognize the situations, emotions, or activities that make you crave a cigarette. This awareness will help you prepare strategies to overcome these triggers and avoid falling back into the smoking habit.

3. 辨别诱因:识别让你渴望吸烟的情境、情绪或活动。这种意识将帮助你准备应对这些诱因的策略,避免重新陷入吸烟的习惯。

4. Find alternatives: Replace smoking with healthy habits and activities. Engage in physical exercise, practice deep breathing techniques, or find a new hobby to distract yourself from cravings. Additionally, consider chewing sugar-free gum or snacking on healthy snacks to keep your mouth busy.

4. 寻找替代品:将吸烟习惯替换为健康的习惯和活动。参加体育锻炼,练习深呼吸技巧,或找一个新的爱好来分散你对香烟的渴望。此外,考虑嚼无糖口香糖或吃健康的零食来让你的嘴巴忙碌起来。

5. Stay positive: Quitting smoking is not an easy journey, and it is natural to face challenges and setbacks. Stay positive and remind yourself of the reasons why you decided to quit. Celebrate small victories along the way and don't be too hard on yourself if you experience a relapse. It's all part of the process.

5. 保持积极态度:戒烟并不是一段轻松的旅程,面临挑战和是很正常的。保持积极的心态,提醒自己为什么决定戒烟。沿途庆祝小小的胜利,如果发生复吸,不要对自己太苛刻。这都是过程的一部分。

Remember, quitting smoking is a journey that requires patience and determination. By following these suggestions, you are taking a significant step towards a healthier and smoke-free life. Stay strong and believe in yourself!



1. addiction (n) 瘾,嗜好

2. approach (n) 方法,途径

3. well-being (n) 幸福感,健康状况

4. motivate (v) 激励,推动

5. deadline (n) 截止日期

6. support system (n) 支持体系,支持系统

7. triggers (n) 诱因,触发因素

8. distract (v) 分散注意力

9. relapse (n) 复吸

10. setbacks (n) 挫折,挑战





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