




Genius only means mendelier, a Russian chemist who has worked hard all his life. I have nothing to offer but sweat, tears and sweat. Winston Churchill, a British statesman, will make mistakes if he works hard.

J My fellow Americans do not mean what your country can do for you, what you can do for your country, my friend, citizens of the world do not ask what America will do for you, but what we will do together for the of mankind. President John Kenny D. Amory J.

our destiny is not to give you a cup of despair, but the cup of opportunity. Richard Nixon, President of the United States, has a bitter patience, but its fruit is sweet. Jean Jacques Rousseau, a French thinker, advances today's activities and guarantees for tomorrow.

Modern American Thinkers can change the world through the efforts of human beings. Such efforts can bring new things Better things. No one can sever the bond that binds him to society just by removing his eyes.

He must be receptive and sensitive to new things, and have enough courage and skills to deal with new facts and deal with them. Franklin. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The president of the United States, there is no smooth road to science. Only by fearing hard climbing can he reach the glorious summit. Karl Marx, the German revolutionary, who has made up his mind to win, will never say that it is impossible for Bonaparte, Napoleon or French emperor B to do anything that needs to be done.

In order to protect this last and greatest bastion of , Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, I We can't always build the future for our young people, but we can build our youth for the future President Franklin rutherforta merica. If there is will, there will be Thomas edisona, the American inventor.


天才只意味着一辈子努力工作的俄罗斯化学家门德莱耶我没有什么可以奉献的,只有血汗、眼泪和汗水英国家温斯顿·丘吉尔只要他努力就会犯错误德国诗人和剧作家J W我的美国同胞不是说你的国家能为你做什么问你能为你的国家做些什么,我的朋友世界公民不要问美国会为你做什么,而是要我们一起为人类的自由做些什么。约翰·肯尼德亚默里总统J我们的命运不是给你一杯绝望的酒,但是机会之杯理查德·美国总统的耐心是苦的,而它的果实是甜的让-雅克·卢梭法思思想家J·J进步今天的活动和对明天的保证美国现代思想家可以通过人类的努力来改变世界,这种努力可以带来新的更好的东西。没有人能够仅仅通过移开眼睛就切断把他与社会联系在一起的纽带。




The hero is young and promising. He has two fathers. He has found two lives.

He has two lovers. He has two kinds of emotions. He has an ideal, but leads to another reality.

He has one of the most precious spirit, that is, the theme of the contemporary city constantly fighting: the performance of contemporary life, the attitude of love, career and other issues, specific to each character level is a positive Enterprising spirit and persistent self-improvement involve love and career: the pursuit of perfection, as well as the confusion and embarrassment they face in the process of pursuing perfection (it is in this story that I let their total life give them "unexpected gifts", that is, their stupid gifts, which is the only "reality" they accept). The friendship, jealousy and understanding between the two girls One woman's tenacious struggle is just to win the respect of the other woman, the competition between men and the so-called "double needs" of men for women and women for men.




Genius only means hard work all one's life. Mendelier, Russian chemist, has nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat (Churchill Winston Churchill, British statesman) people will make mistakes as long as they work hard (German poet and playwright Goethe Johann Wolfgang Goethe) my fellow Americans, don't ask what your country can do for you What, but what can you do for your country, my fellow citizens of the world, not what America will do for you, but what we will do together for human (John Kennedy, American president) our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity (Richard Nixon, President of the United States) Patience is painful, but its fruit is sweet (Jean Jacques Rousseau, French thinker) progress is the activity of today and the guarantee of tomorrow (Emerson, American thinker) the world can be changed through the efforts of human beings, which can bring new and better things. No one can cut off this connection.

As long as you move your eyes, you can connect him with society. He must accept new things, have enough courage and skills to deal with new things, and deal with them (Franklin Roosevelt, American president) f f science has no smooth road, only those who are not afraid to climb the mountain (Karl Marx, German revolutionary) ‰ K K who are determined to win will never say "impossible" Bonaparte Napoleon, emperor of France); "B" do whatever is necessary to preserve this last and greatest bastion of liberty, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States) R we cannot always build the future for our young people, but we can build our youth for the future (Franklin Roosevelt, American president).


天才只意味着一辈子努力工作,俄国化学家门德莱耶,我没有什么可以奉献的,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水(英国家丘吉尔.温斯顿.丘吉尔) 人只要努力就会犯错误(德国诗人、剧作家歌德.约翰.沃尔夫冈.歌德) 我的美国同胞们,不要问你的国家能为你做些什么,而要问你能为你的国家做些什么我的世界同胞们,不是问美国将为你做些什么,而是我们一起为人类自由做些什么(美国总统约翰·肯尼迪) 我们的命运提供的不是绝望之杯,而是机会之杯(理查德·,美国总统) R 耐心是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜的(法国思想家让-雅克卢梭) J 进步是今天的活动和明天的保证(爱默生,美国思想家) 世界可以通过人的努力而改变,这种努力可以带来新的、更好的东西,任何人都无法割断这种联系只要移开眼睛,就可以把他与社会联合起来,他必须接受新事物,对新事物有足够的勇气和技巧,并处理它们(美国总统·罗斯福) F F 科学没有平坦的道路,只有那些不畏劳苦攀登攀登高峰的人(德国家卡尔·)‰K K 下决心要胜利的人,决不会说“不可能”波拿巴·,法国皇帝);“B 做任何需要做的事情来维护这最后和最伟大的自由堡垒罗纳德·里根,美国总统) R 我们不能总是为我们的年轻人建设未来,但我们可以为未来建设我们的青年(美国总统·罗斯福)。




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