
关于”交通安全“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Traffic safety。以下是关于交通安全的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”交通安全“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Traffic safety。以下是关于交通安全的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Traffic safety

Traffic safety is everyone's business record. Every year, many people die in traffic accidents. Some accidents are caused by mechanical failure, but most accidents are the result of careless and reckless driving, which can be avoided.

Many people ignore the traffic signals and rules, regardless of the speed limit, drive in the wrong direction under the red light, talk and laugh, turn at will, they do not slow down when approaching the intersection, many people violate the traffic rules, we can not overemphasize the importance of traffic safety, only when everyone thinks that traffic safety is everyone, drive on the road, on the people Can we walk safely on the pavement.




Traffic Safety

Traffic safety is an important issue that affects everyone. It is crucial that we all take responsibility for our own safety when traveling on foot or by vehicle.

There are many ways we can promote and ensure traffic safety. For example, pedestrians should use crosswalks and look both ways before crossing the street. They should also wear bright, reflective clothing when walking at night.

As drivers, we must always obey traffic laws and avoid distractions such as texting or talking on the phone. We should also practice defensive driving, meaning we remain aware of our surroundings and antite potential hazards.

In addition, local authorities can implement measures that increase traffic safety. This includes installing street lights, speed ps, and signs that alert drivers to potential dangers.

By working together and prioritizing traffic safety, we can reduce the number of accidents and make our roads safer for everyone.








Many people are injured or killed in traffic accidents every year. It is reported that many accidents are caused by people's violation of traffic rules, so we must keep the traffic rules in mind and strictly abide by them. When a person is crossing the road, he should walk on the crosswalk, underpass or footbridge.

If riding a bicycle or motorcycle, when the red light is on, please continue to drive on the right side of the road. Please stop until the green light is on. If someone wants to turn or stop, give them a sign.

Let the children know that it is very dangerous to play on the road. It's always a good thing to help old people and children cross the road. If everyone follows the traffic rules, it will be safer to walk or cycle on the road.









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