
关于”怎样保护熊猫“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to Protect Pandas。以下是关于怎样保护熊猫的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”怎样保护熊猫“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to Protect Pandas。以下是关于怎样保护熊猫的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to Protect Pandas








Protecting pandas is the responsibility of each and every one of us. Pandas are a threatened species and their numbers are decreasing. Here are some measures we can take to protect these adorable animals.

1. Preserve the integrity of their habitat: Pandas are arboreal animals and live in bamboo forests. We should do our best to protect their habitats, for example by banning logging, reclaiming wasteland, and preventing dam construction.

2. Protect the panda's food source: Pandas primarily eat bamboo. We should try our best to protect the bamboo and ensure they have enough food sources.

3. Prohibit illegal hunting and trading: Pandas are a legally protected species and illegal hunting and trading is punishable by law. We should strictly crack down on such behavior and encourage others not to buy pandas and their products to reduce the demand for illegal trading.

4. Promote eco-tourism: Eco-tourism can promote panda conservation and economic development, but it must be ensured that tourism does not harm pandas and their habitats.

5. Raise public awareness: Through education and publicity, more people can learn about the status and dangers of pandas. We should educate the public to take positive actions to protect pandas, such as reducing the use of disposable plastics, conserving energy and water, and our lifestyles more environmentally friendly.

Through these measures, each and every one of us can make a contribution to protecting pandas.







Panda is a national treasure of China, but due to the reduction of habitat and human interference, the number of pandas is decreasing. In order to protect these lovely animals, we should do our best to protect them.

Firstly, we should protect the habitat of pandas. Reduce deforestation, protect the ecological environment of the forest, and expand the habitat where pandas live. We can also establish wildlife protection areas to provide pandas with a safer living environment.

Secondly, we should reduce the interference and hunting of pandas. We should not hunt pandas, and should stop illegal trading and hunting of pandas.

Finally, we should strengthen the awareness of panda protection and publicize the importance of protecting pandas. Through education and publicity, we should raise public awareness of environmental protection and let more people pay attention to and partite in panda protection work.

In summary, protecting pandas is everyone's responsibility. Only when we all do our best to protect pandas can they continue to survive on Earth.




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