
关于”自我介绍80词左右“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduction: I am a Chinese language model that can help you translate text from Chinese to English. If you have any text you would like me to translate, please feel free to ask.。以下是关于自我介绍80词左右的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”自我介绍80词左右“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduction: I am a Chinese language model that can help you translate text from Chinese to English. If you have any text you would like me to translate, please feel free to ask.。以下是关于自我介绍80词左右的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction: I am a Chinese language model that can help you translate text from Chinese to English. If you have any text you would like me to translate, please feel free to ask.

A man was driving a car full of juice. In the middle of the journey, he dropped a bottle of juice on the road. A tortoise found the bottle and drank it.

The man was very angry, so he went to the car and took a box of juice. He went to the car, sat next to the tortoise and began to drink. The tortoise stood up and got into the car.

He was driving with the juice cart.




Many students do not eat breakfast for many reasons, such as: too sleepy to study all night. Parents are busy breakfast and letting them eat out. Some boys spend their breakfast on games.

Many girls like to keep slim and refuse to eat breakfast, which will cause stomach damage and health defects, and then affect their learning efficiency. It is strongly recommended to eat breakfast, no matter how much you want to eat and what you eat, but do not refuse breakfast. The normal nutrition breakfast is bread, milk, eggs, noodles, steamed bread and so on.





Business English needs to be practical in enterprises. At present, all enterprises, especially international enterprises entering China, have their own corporate culture and ideas, which are basically used by Chinese employees of foreign funded enterprises when they work. Therefore, it is also the most important learning tool.

This course has a deeper understanding of the business background of enterprises, more effective and free communication, and recognition that can be obtained in international enterprises In the end, the most important feature of business English training is that it is not only for the survival of business English majors, but also for the survival of business English It plays a vital role. More and more Chinese people begin to work in foreign-funded enterprises. Although the nature and scope of their work are different, they will encounter similar problems, such as how to engage in economic and trade activities.

In foreign affairs, how to grasp the small space in foreign enterprises is undoubtedly the biggest obstacle for these people. In addition to our familiarity with life English, Academic English and business English are the most important communication tools in modern foreign-funded enterprises.






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