
关于”上册“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Upper Volume。以下是关于上册的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”上册“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Upper Volume。以下是关于上册的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Upper Volume


My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is reading. Whenever I have free time, I love to pick up a book and immerse myself in the fascinating world of literature. Reading allows me to escape from reality and enter into different worlds and eras. It broadens my horizons and helps me gain knowledge about various topics.

I enjoy reading all kinds of books, from novels and biographies to science fiction and fantasy. I especially love historical fiction, as it combines the excitement of a thrilling story with the opportunity to learn about different time periods. When I read, I feel like I am transported to another time and place.

Reading not only entertains me but also helps improve my language skills. It enhances my vocabulary and improves my writing style. I have learned so many new words and phrases from the books I have read. Additionally, reading helps me develop critical thinking skills and improves my ability to yze and interpret information.

In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby because it allows me to explore new worlds, gain knowledge, and improve my language skills. I cannot imagine my life without books.







My Best Friend


My best friend is Lily. She is 12 years old, just like me. We have known each other since we were in kindergarten. Lily is a very friendly and outgoing girl. She always has a smile on her face and is always ready to help others.


Lily and I have many things in common. We both love reading books and playing outdoor games. We often go to the library together and borrow books. Sometimes, we even read books to each other and discuss the stories. It's really fun!


Lily is a talented piano player. She has been learning piano since she was 6 years old. I enjoy listening to her playing the piano. Sometimes we have music lessons together and help each other improve our skills.


I am really grateful to have Lily as my best friend. She is always there for me when I need her. We share our happiness and sorrows together. I treasure this friendship and hope it will last forever.




My winter vacation plan, my winter vacation plan, my English study, I will study English hard, insist on listening to English for half an hour every day, I will finish the best school homework arranged by the teacher at the fastest speed. Of course, I will not forget to exercise. I can take part in the fitness exercise on time every day to spare time.

I can play a computer to make sure I can spare a short period of time and watch a conference call It only takes an hour, of course. This is my winter vacation plan.







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