
关于”提建议“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Make suggestions。以下是关于提建议的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”提建议“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Make suggestions。以下是关于提建议的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Make suggestions

Everyone wants to be slim. First of all, food is very important. You should eat less junk food and eat more vegetables.

Second, regular exercise is also good, because exercise can help you burn fat. You can go for a walk, walk or bike to work instead of driving. You can go to see a doctor and ask for his / her advice.




Title: Suggestions for Being an Excellent Student


As a student, we all want to be excellent and successful. However, it is not always easy to achieve our goals. Here are some suggestions that can help you become an excellent student.


Firstly, it is important to have a positive attitude towards learning. Be enthusiastic and curious about new things, and develop a love for learning. When you have a positive attitude, you will find it easier to overcome challenges and stay motivated.


Secondly, set clear and achievable goals for yourself. This will help you to stay focused and motivated. Make a plan for what you want to achieve and break it down into smaller goals. Celebrate your achievements along the way and don't be discouraged by setbacks.


Thirdly, develop good study habits. Set aside a specific time each day for studying and stick to it. Take notes, review your work, and ask questions. Don't procrastinate and prioritize your tasks. Also, make sure to have a balanced lifestyle that includes exercise, rest, and relaxation.


In conclusion, becoming an excellent student requires effort and dedication. It is important to have a positive attitude, set clear goals, and develop good study habits. With perseverance and hard work, you can achieve your academic goals and become an excellent student.



Title: Suggestions for Improving English Skills 提高英语技巧的建议


English has become a global language, and proficiency in English is essential for communication and career advancement. However, learning a new language can be challenging. In this essay, I will offer some suggestions on how to improve English skills effectively.


Develop a Reading Habit 养成阅读习惯:

Reading is an effective way to enhance vocabulary, grammar, and overall language proficiency. Start by reading English novels, newspapers, or magazines that match your interests. Additionally, make use of online resources, such as blogs, articles, or e-books. Reading regularly will expose you to various sentence structures and improve your understanding of different writing styles.


Practice with Language Exchange 与语伴练习:

Seeking language exchange opportunities can greatly improve your conversational skills. Find a native English speaker who wants to learn your native language, or vice versa. You can meet in person, or utilize online platforms to practice speaking and listening. Engaging in conversations with native speakers will help you become more comfortable with spoken English and improve your unciation.


Use Language Learning Apps 使用语言学习应用:

Incorporate language learning apps into your daily routine. These apps provide interactive lessons, vocabulary exercises, and unciation drills. Some popular apps include Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone. Set aside a few minutes each day to complete exercises or challenge yourself with language games. These apps can make learning English more enjoyable and convenient.

将语言学习应用程序融入到你的日常生活中。这些应用提供互动式的课程、词汇练习和发音训练。一些流行的应用包括Duolingo,Babbel和Rosetta Stone。每天花几分钟完成练习或挑战自己进行语言游戏。这些应用可以使学习英语更加有趣和方便。

Join English Language Clubs 参加英语俱乐部:

Partiting in English language clubs or conversation groups can be a fantastic way to practice English with fellow learners. These clubs provide a supportive environment for speaking and listening activities. Additionally, you can engage in group discussions, debates, and presentations to improve your confidence in using English in real-life situations. Seek out local language clubs or join online communities to connect with like-minded individuals.



Improving English skills requires consistent effort and dedication. By developing a reading habit, practicing with language exchange, using language learning apps, and joining English language clubs, you can make significant progress in your English proficiency. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and never give up!





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