




For economic management and training a solid theoretical basis, information science and technology and means to use modern information technology to carry out business activities, engaged in business management of high-quality modern e-commerce compound talents, so that students can obtain modern information technology, modern enterprise management theory and practice, marketing theory and practice, master the ysis, design, implementation and evaluation of e-commerce system Technology, understand the laws related to e-commerce, have a high sense of competition, innovation and strong e-commerce ability, master high-level professional training in foreign language, reading, writing and translation, support the party's basic line, develop morally, intellectually and physically, meet the needs of enterprise management and information technology management, and manage E-commerce website at the graoots level E-commerce is a goal for senior managers with higher quality and production ability to directly engage in e-commerce application. This goal emphasizes that the professional quality of e-commerce is directly facing the front line of e-commerce Sub business, is engaged in business management personnel, therefore must have strong technical ability. This ability refers to the ability to engage in market research, negotiation, contract settlement, order management, sales management and other business activities, marketing and business decision- and employment planning: network marketing, online payment, online sales, logistics distribution, enterprise management.




It is reported that South Korean students have used e-books. Some people strongly support the popularization of e-books in China, while others strongly support it. I prefer the latter, because we all know that our social development is unbalanced and some poor areas can't afford it.

Moreover, reading e-books for a long time will damage students' eyesight. Finally, traditional paper books have many advantages over e-books.




(computer games) now playing computer games takes up too much time for agers, so I think computer games should be eliminated. They are just a waste of time, money and energy. Teenagers should do valuable things, such as reading, studying and going to concerts and museums.

Computer games are harmful to the physical and mental health of young people. Computer games rooms are very dark, noisy, unhealthy and violent, so cities and towns should ban the use of computer games.







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