
关于”2020年全国一卷“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:2020 National First Examination Paper。以下是关于2020年全国一卷的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”2020年全国一卷“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:2020 National First Examination Paper。以下是关于2020年全国一卷的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:2020 National First Examination Paper

题目:Share a Story of a Time When You Experienced Empathy


Possible Version:

Empathy is a precious quality that can connect people and make the world less lonely and harsh. It means understanding and sharing the feelings of others, and being willing to help them without expecting anything in return. I remember a time when I experienced empathy from a kind stranger, which touched me deeply and reminded me of the power of human kindness.

It was a hot summer day, and I was waiting for a bus at a crowded station, carrying a heavy backpack and feeling tired and thirsty. I had just finished my first year of college, and I was going back home to visit my parents in another city. However, due to some unexpected delays and changes in the schedule, I missed my first bus and had to wait for the next one for another hour. I felt frustrated and worried that I would be late and inconvenienced my parents.

As I was sitting on a bench, trying to distract myself by scrolling through my phone, I noticed an old lady sitting next to me. She looked frail and tired, and she was holding a small bag with some fruits and bread. I nodded politely to her and resumed my scrolling, but I soon sensed that she was trying to talk to me. I turned to her and asked in Mandarin, "Do you need any help?"

She smiled weakly and said, "Yes, thank you. I'm lost and I don't know where to go. I was supposed to meet my daughter here, but she didn't come, and I don't have a phone or a map. Can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital?" She showed me a piece of paper with some scribbled directions, but they were illegible and confusing.

I felt a pang of sympathy and compassion for the old lady. She reminded me of my own grandmother who had passed away a few years ago, and who had also struggled with mobility and memory problems. I decided to help her, even if it meant missing my bus or being late for my appointment.

I put my phone away and asked the lady to show me her bag. She had a few coins and bills in it, but not enough for a taxi or a bus. I checked my own wallet and realized I had some spare money from my part-time job. I offered to pay for her transportation and to her to the hospital, since I knew the way well.

The old lady was surprised and grateful. She held my hand and said, "Thank you, young man. You are a kind person. I don't know how to repay you." I smiled and said, "No need to repay me. Just take care of yourself and your daughter. And don't worry, I'll make sure you get to the hospital safely."

We walked slowly to the bus stop, and I helped the lady board the bus and find a seat. I paid for her ticket and told the driver to drop her off at the right station. I also gave her my phone number and asked her to call me if she needed any further assistance.

As I watched the bus drive away, I felt a sense of satisfaction and warmth in my heart. I had not only helped a stranger in need but also learned something about myself and humanity. I realized that empathy is not just a word, but a practice that requires us to be open-minded, generous, and caring. It also makes us happier and more connected as human beings, and reminds us of the deeper values that make life worth living.





1. 推荐一本适合他阅读的中国历史书(至少一本);

2. 说明为什么推荐这本书;

3. 提示他在阅读过程中可以做些什么。


Dear Tom,

I'm glad to hear that you are interested in Chinese history and would like a book recommendation. Based on your interests, I highly recommend a book called "A Concise History of China" by J.A.G. Roberts.

This book offers a comprehensive yet concise overview of Chinese history from ancient times to modern China. It covers various dynasties, influential figures, major events, and cultural developments. What makes it standout is its readability and accessibility, even for readers who have little prior knowledge of Chinese history. The author provides a well-organized narrative that is both informative and engaging, it an ideal choice for beginners.

While reading the book, I suggest you take notes or even create a timeline to help you better understand the sequence of events and the connections between different periods. You may also refer to additional sources, such as maps or documentaries, to visualize the geography and historical context. It would also be interesting to discuss your findings with other history enthusiasts or join online forums to share insights and perspectives.

I hope you find this recommendation helpful and enjoy exploring the fascinating world of Chinese history through this book. If you have any further questions or need more suggestions, please feel free to let me know. I'm always here to assist you.

Best regards,

Li Hua










An Outstanding Student in the 2020 National College Entrance Examination English Composition


In the 2020 National College Entrance Examination (known as Gaokao), I had the opportunity to meet many outstanding students. Among them, there was one student who left a deep impression on me with their remarkable qualities and achievements.


This student, let's call him James, was an excellent all-rounder. He not only excelled in academics, but also actively partited in various extracurricular activities. In terms of academic performance, James consistently ranked at the top of his class across all subjects. His dedication to learning was evident in his impressive grades and extensive knowledge. He never hesitated to help his classmates with difficult problems and was always willing to share his study strategies.


However, what truly set James apart was his leadership skills and perseverance. He was not only a top student but also served as the president of the student council. Under his leadership, the student council successfully organized numerous events and activities, such as charity fundraisers, academic competitions, and cultural festivals. James was always willing to take on additional responsibilities and demonstrated exceptional organizational and communication abilities. His determination and resilience in the face of challenges served as an inspiration to his peers.


Furthermore, James had a compassionate heart and actively engaged in volunteer work. He dedicated his spare time to supporting and assisting the less fortunate in society, such as visiting nursing homes, tutoring underprivileged students, and partiting in environmental protection activities. His selfless actions demonstrated his strong sense of social responsibility and empathy towards others.


In conclusion, James was truly an outstanding student in the 2020 National College Entrance Examination. His academic excellence, leadership skills, perseverance, and compassion made him stand out among his peers. He serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us that with hard work, dedication, and a compassionate heart, we can achieve great success and make a positive impact on society.





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