
关于”经验教训“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The English translation of 经验教训 is lessons learned.。以下是关于经验教训的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”经验教训“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The English translation of 经验教训 is lessons learned.。以下是关于经验教训的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The English translation of 经验教训 is lessons learned.

When I began to learn English in primary school, I was very interested in English, and my English was always at the top of the test. But when I was in primary school, my English was not as good as before, because I was tired of English, and I almost wanted to give up it. But then someone changed my attitude completely.

One day, I happened to meet my first English teacher Miss Liu, she always thinks highly of me. She asks me how my English is. I don't know how to answer her.

I was afraid that if I told her the truth, I would let her down. What I can do is to lower my head. I feel very embarrassed, but Miss Liu seems to know everything.

She patiently told me, don't wait for what you want to come to you, because everyone has experienced failure, a successful person can succeed, because of his persistence, she continued, you should summon up courage and try again, don't be afraid of difficulties, you should challenge them, only in this way You can succeed. You will never fail. I believe you heard this.

I can't help crying. I promise Miss Liu that I will try my best and never give up any difficulties I may encounter. Now, I have been in my first year of senior high school.

My English is still the first. I will not let my English leave again. It is Miss Liu who encouraged me to rebuild my confidence.

She has taught me a lesson that I will always remember.





The seats in the reading room of our school are not enough to accommodate all the students. Many people go there early every day to "grab" a seat. So one day, I also had a "special" thing.

I learned a lesson that I will never forget. It was a Wednesday morning in January last year. Just before our last exam, I went to the reading room very early A book was on my desk and I went to have breakfast, but when I hurried back to the reading room, I found someone sitting in the seat I had occupied in advance.

I ran to him immediately and cried angrily, "go away, this is my seat." Everyone raised their eyes and stared at me unfriendly. My face turned red and I felt ashamed. I ran away with my book under so many people's eyes.

I didn't dare to go to the reading room for several days. From then on, I learned a lesson in the reading room: be polite to everyone. The seats in the reading room of our school are not enough for all the students to "grab" a seat.

I go there early every day. Because of this, I learned a lifelong lesson in the reading room one Monday morning in October After getting a seat, I went back to the reading room to get a bottle of boiling water. I found a girl student sitting in my seat.

I ran to her immediately and yelled at her angrily, "Why are you sitting in my seat and walking away?" everyone in the reading room looked up at me unkindly. I immediately rushed out in shame. I rushed out of the reading room with my book.

I will never forget those "eyes". This is the lesson I learned in the reading room: I have to respect others.





The seats in our school's reading room are not enough to accommodate all the students. Many people go there early every day to "grab" seats. So one day, I also encountered a "special" thing, and I learned a lesson that I will never forget.

It happened on a Wednesday morning in January last year, just before our last exam arrived in the reading room, I was very early If I wanted to get a seat, I put a book on the table and went to have breakfast. But when I hurried back to the reading room, I found someone sitting in the seat I had occupied. I ran to him immediately and cried angrily, "go away, this is my seat." Everyone raised their eyes and looked at me unfriendly.

My face turned. Rhett and I were ashamed of ourselves. I took the book and ran away in front of so many people's eyes.

I dare not go to the reading room for days. From then on, I learned a lesson in the reading room: be polite to everyone. There are not enough seats in the reading room of our school.

For all the students, in order to "grab" a seat, I go there very early every morning. Because of this, one day, I learned a unforgettable lesson in the reading room. It happened on a Monday morning in October.

After I occupied a seat in the reading room, I went back to the reading room to get a bottle of boiled water A girl student was sitting in my seat. I ran to her immediately and yelled at her angrily, "why do you want to take my seat and go away?" everyone in the reading room looked up at me unfriendly. I immediately rushed out in shame, holding my books, and I'll never forget those "eyes"; this is the lesson I learned in the reading room: I have to respect others.







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