
关于”朱婷“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Zhu Ting。以下是关于朱婷的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”朱婷“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Zhu Ting。以下是关于朱婷的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Zhu Ting

Zhū Tíng, born on January 5, 1995, is a professional volleyball player from China. She is known for her powerful spikes and excellent technique, and is regarded as one of the best volleyball players in the world.


Zhū Tíng began her professional career with the Henan volleyball team in 2010, and quickly rose to fame with her outstanding performance. She was soon recruited by the Tianjin volleyball team, where she won multiple championships and became a key player on the national team.


In 2016, Zhū Tíng helped the Chinese women's volleyball team win the gold medal at the Rio Olympics, earning her a place in Chinese sports history. She was also named the Most Valuable Player of the tournament.


Zhū Tíng's success on the court has made her a national icon and a role model for young athletes. She continues to inspire others with her dedication and hard work, and is considered one of the greatest volleyball players of all time.



Zhuting's English Essay


Zhuting is an outstanding Chinese women's volleyball player who enjoys a high reputation in the world. As an athlete, she focuses on training and relentlessly improves her skills. She is a person with great perseverance and determination. For her, only through continuous efforts and struggles can success be achieved. Her success inspires us to persist in pursuing our dreams, even in the face of difficulties.


Zhuting's outstanding performance has also been recognized internationally. In the 2019 Women's Volleyball World Cup, she was selected as the Most Valuable Player. This is her third time winning the award and one of the many awards she has received. Her success is not only reflected in the game, but also in her high standards and requirements in training and personal life.


In conclusion, Zhuting is a model worth learning. Her success in career and life inspires us to continuously pursue our own dreams and strive forward.


China Women's volleyball team and the new generation of "hammer" Zhu Ting have become the heroes in the eyes of young fans. Last year, Zhu Ting won the world cup MVP. Recently, international volleyball affirmed that Zhu Ting has become the theme of senior high school English writing of China Women's volleyball team.

The writing requirements of English written expression are: if you are Li Jin, your pen pal Johnson will write to you to consult China Women's volleyball team Zhu Ting's message, please reply to the following message.






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