




British researchers say agers who are perceived by their teachers as having a "positive" childhood are more likely to have higher happiness in middle age; Felicia heppert of Cambridge University and his colleagues yzed data from individuals involved in the British birth study teachers set the age of agers at and gave each person a score if it was easy and energetic to make friends. Teachers also rated conduct problems, irritability, daydreaming, disobedience, lying, and emotional problems, anxiety, fear, timidity, avoidance of attention. Decades later, researchers found that there were fewer active adolescents than other children.

The study, published in the Journal of positive psychology, found that adolescents rated positive by their teachers were more likely to achieve higher job satisfaction, contact with family and friends more frequently, and partite in social and leisure activities more often than those who did not.


英国研究人员说,被老师认为有“积极”童年的青少年更有可能在中年时拥有更高的幸福感;剑桥大学的费利西亚·赫佩特及其同事分析了参与英国出生研究的个人的数据 教师将青少年的年龄定为,并给每个人1分,如果这名学生交朋友非常容易而且精力旺盛。老师们还对品行问题、烦躁不安、白日梦、不服从、说谎等以及情绪问题、焦虑、恐惧、胆怯、回避注意力等进行了评分。几十年后,研究人员发现,青春期积极的孩子比其他孩子少在积极心理学杂志上发表的这项研究发现,被老师评为积极的青少年比那些没有得到积极评价的青少年更有可能获得更高的工作满意度,更频繁地与家人和朋友接触,更经常地参与社交活动休闲活动。


The shortcut to British students | property | income | money | purchase and do anything | health | enjoy the wealth of parents | release from work | knowledge | has different meanings for human happiness. For example, some students think that if they have a lot of money or a lot of property, they will be happy. They believe that if they have money, they can do whatever they want.

Some students think they should be healthy and enjoy whatever they like. Many students hope to have a lot of wealth from their parents so that they don't have to work hard. They can With everything that I don't agree with, we can't buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge.

I value knowledge, which makes me happy, because I can do many things for human beings with knowledge. Although different people attach different importance to happiness, my happiness and wealth are in my study.




We try to make our children better, so that we make my grandchildren worse. I know better that I really want to let them know about hand-made clothes, homemade ice cream and leftovers. I really like my baby grandson.

I hope you learn humility in failure. I hope you learn to be honest. Even if no one is looking at me, I hope you learn how to make the bed and cut Grass, car wash, I hope no one will give you a brand new car when you are 16 years old.

If at least once you can see a calf born and you have a good friend with you, that's great. Have you ever let your old dog sleep? I hope you can fight for your faith. I hope you have to share a bedroom with your brother.

It's OK to draw a line in the middle of the room But when he wants to climb into the bed with you because of his fear, I hope you can let him. When you want to see a Disney movie and your brother wants to go with you, I hope you can take him with him. I hope you can go up the mountain with your friends, and you live in a town.

If you want a catapult, you can finish the task safely. I hope your father will teach you how to make one, not buy one. I hope you learn how to dig the soil and read books.

When you learn to use computers, you also learn how to add and subtract in your mind. I hope you can do it for the first time When you fall in love with a girl, you'll be razed to the ground by your friends. When you talk back to your mother, you learn what Ivory soap is.

It tastes like sing your knee on a mountain climb, scalding your hand on the stove, sticking your tongue to a frozen flagpole. I hope you get sick when someone puffs smoke in your face. I don't care if you've ever had a beer, but I hope you won't Yes, if a friend offers you marijuana or any drugs, I hope you're smart enough to realize that that person is not your friend.

I certainly hope you can find time to sit on the porch with your grandfather or go fishing with your uncle. I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball into a neighbor's window, when you give her a plaster cast of your hand, she hugs you and kisses you Kiss you these things, I hope you go through years, disappointments, efforts and happiness --.






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