
关于”春节出行计划“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Spring Festival travel plan。以下是关于春节出行计划的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”春节出行计划“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Spring Festival travel plan。以下是关于春节出行计划的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Spring Festival travel plan

My winter vacation plan is coming soon. I have a plan. After I get up, I do morning exercises in the park near my home, and then do my homework.

Sometimes I watch TV, sometimes I play computer games. I think it's good to spend the Spring Festival in the holiday. This is one of the most important festivals in China.

We are very happy because we can eat red envelopes, eat a lot of delicious food and put on new clothes I think this winter vacation will be very happy, I like it.




Spring Festival Travel Plan


The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is a time for family reunions and celebrations. Many people take advantage of this holiday to travel and explore new places. In this article, I will share with you my Spring Festival travel plan.


Destination: Guilin


During this Spring Festival, I have decided to visit Guilin, a picturesque city in southern China. Known for its stunning karst landscapes, Guilin offers breathtaking views of limestone mountains, winding rivers, and lush vegetation. It is a perfect place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.




1. Li River Cruise: One of the must-do activities in Guilin is taking a cruise along the Li River. The journey is like a painting come to life, with picturesque scenery at every turn. I cannot wait to see the famous peaks like Elephant Trunk Hill and Nine Horse Fresco Hill.

1. 漓江游船:在桂林,游览漓江是必做的活动之一。这趟旅程就像一幅栩栩如生的画作,每一个转弯都是风景如画的景色。我迫不及待地想要看到象鼻山和九马画山等著名的山峰。

2. Longji Rice Terraces: I also plan to visit the Longji Rice Terraces, a magnificent man-made wonder. The terraces are layered like giant green stairs and provide a mesmerizing view. It will be fascinating to learn about the local Zhuang ethnic minority and their traditional farming methods.

2. 龙脊梯田:我还计划游览龙脊梯田,这是一个壮丽的人造奇观。这些梯田像巨大的绿色阶梯一样分层,提供了迷人的景色。了解当地壮族少数民族和他们的传统耕种方法将令人着迷。

3. Explore Yangshuo: Yangshuo, a small town near Guilin, is known for its laid-back atmosphere and outdoor adventures. I am excited to take a cycling tour through the countryside, go bamboo rafting along the Yulong River, and maybe even try my hand at rock climbing.

3. 探索阳朔:阳朔是桂林附近的一个小镇,以其悠闲的氛围和户外冒险活动而闻名。我很兴奋能够骑行穿越乡村,沿着遇龙河乘竹筏漂流,甚至尝试攀岩。

I am really looking forward to my Spring Festival trip to Guilin. It will be a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty of China and experience the local culture. I believe it will be a memorable journey that I will cherish for a lifetime.


So, if you are planning your Spring Festival trip, why not consider Guilin as your destination? You will be amazed by its natural wonders and create lasting memories.



traditional festival - 传统节日

family reunions - 家庭团聚

take advantage of - 利用

explore - 探索

picturesque - 风景如画的

karst landscapes - 喀斯特地貌

breathtaking - 令人惊叹的

lush - 葱郁的

relax - 放松

activities - 活动

cruise - 游船

turn - 转弯

famous peaks - 著名山峰

man-made wonder - 人造奇观

mesmerizing - 令人着迷的

ethnic minority - 少数民族

fascinating - 迷人的

countryside - 乡村

bamboo rafting - 乘竹筏漂流

rock climbing - 攀岩

appreciate - 欣赏

lasting memories - 持久的回忆


Spring Festival Plan

Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. This year, I have planned to celebrate the Spring Festival in a meaningful and enjoyable way.

Firstly, I will clean my house thoroughly and decorate it with red lanterns, couplets and other traditional decorations to create a festive atmosphere. Secondly, I will prepare some special foods for the Spring Festival, such as dumplings, rice cakes, fish and glutinous rice .

Thirdly, I will visit my relatives and friends during the Spring Festival, sending them good wishes and blessings for the new year. I will also give red envelopes, which contain lucky money, to children and unmarried individuals as a traditional way to express blessings.

Fourthly, I will watch the Spring Festival Gala and other TV programs, which are full of fun and cultural significance. I will also enjoy some traditional activities, such as fireworks, lion dance and dragon dance.

Finally, I will spend some time reflecting on the past year and resolutions for the new year. I will try to work harder and achieve my goals in the new year.

In a word, I am looking forward to celebrating the Spring Festival and I hope to have a joyful and prosperous new year.




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