
关于”分数分布“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Fraction Distribution。以下是关于分数分布的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”分数分布“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Fraction Distribution。以下是关于分数分布的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fraction Distribution

The Distribution of Scores in the Postgraduate English Writing Exam


As one of the most important components of the postgraduate entrance examination, the English writing exam plays a crucial role in evaluating a student's language proficiency and communication skills. Therefore, understanding the distribution of scores in this exam is of great significance for both students and educational institutions.


Generally speaking, the distribution of scores in the postgraduate English writing exam follows a normal distribution curve. The majority of students' scores tend to cer around the center, with fewer students scoring extremely high or extremely low. This pattern reflects the overall performance level of the students and helps identify the top performers and those who need more support.


However, it is important to note that the distribution of scores can vary from year to year, depending on factors such as the difficulty level of the exam questions and the overall proficiency of the students. In some cases, the scores may be slightly skewed towards one end of the distribution due to factors like an exceptionally challenging exam or a particularly talented group of test takers.


For educational institutions, yzing the distribution of scores can help identify the effectiveness of teaching methods and materials. If the majority of students receive low scores, it may indicate that adjustments need to be made to the curriculum or instructional strategies. On the other hand, if most students achieve high scores, it reflects the success of teaching methods and motivates both students and teachers to maintain their efforts.


In conclusion, understanding the distribution of scores in the postgraduate English writing exam provides valuable insights into the performance of students and the effectiveness of teaching methods. By yzing this distribution, educational institutions can make informed decisions to improve the quality of education and better meet the needs of students.



The social security system in the United States provides monthly allowances for retirees. At present, most of the money comes from the wage tax paid by workers and employers. Social security collects more money than it pays.

The rest of the money will go into a trust fund for future retirees. But in June last year, more and more people will retire, and fewer and fewer workers will support them The budget office said social security is expected to run into a deficit starting in 1999, and President Bush said at his first press conference in his second term on Wednesday that "it's time to act." he said the plan would run out in 2000 weeks. Bush wants Congress to make a change, but the debate over how much money is needed for this popular program came about during the great depression, when poverty spread from 1929 to the beginning of World War II.

Many leaders talked about this issue and set up a system to guarantee payments to the disabled and key retirees, called socialism. Some states have created their own programs. President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to build a national system that could pay for itself.

He introduced the social security act in January 1935, but it was not until then that payments began. Before the 1840s, funds were concentrated in trust funds so that the scheme had a surplus from the beginning. The purpose of social security was to provide a small amount of funds for retired industrial workers.

During this time, other jobs have been added. The government also provides benefits for those who die of social security.







1. 题目要求理解和分析能力(25%):这一部分考察考生对于题目的理解和分析能力,包括对文章主题、观点、论证方法等的理解和分析。

2. 文章结构和组织能力(25%):这一部分考察考生对于文章结构和组织的能力,包括开头引入、中间段落发展、结尾总结等方面的能力。

3. 文章内容的充实和准确性(25%):这一部分考察考生对于话题内容的充实程度和准确性,包括是否能够提供具体的事例、数据、引用相关的研究等。

4. 语言表达和语法准确性(15%):这一部分考察考生的语言表达能力和语法准确性,包括词汇的丰富程度、句子的结构和语法的正确运用。

5. 逻辑思维和论证能力(10%):这一部分考察考生的逻辑思维能力和论证能力,包括能否清晰地陈述观点、用合理的论据进行支持和推理等。






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