
关于”第一次“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:First time。以下是关于第一次的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”第一次“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:First time。以下是关于第一次的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:First time

My First English Essay


I am a student who just started learning English this year. Though I am not very good at it, I still want to share my experience of writing my first English essay.


My English teacher asked us to write a short essay about our hobbies. At first, I was quite nervous and didn't know how to start. But with the help of my teacher and some textbooks, I finally got some ideas.


I chose to write about my favorite hobby, which is playing basketball. I wrote about how I first got interested in the sport, the rules of the game, and some of my favorite players. I also included some personal experiences and how playing basketball makes me feel.


After finishing my essay, I asked my English teacher to check it and give me some feedback. She pointed out some mistakes and helped me correct them. She also praised me for my effort and told me that I have a good grasp of the basic concepts of English.


In conclusion, writing my first English essay was a challenging but rewarding experience. I learned a lot from it and I hope to improve my writing skills in the future.



Last week, my teacher suggested that we take part in the Christmas show. It's a very big show. My friends plan to sing a song in the performance.

I'm really happy for them because they formed a good band. Then my friends invited me to join them. They said that they seemed to me to practice drums well at first.

I was shy and refused because I had never performed in public, so my friends Convince me that it was the first time, so I decided to join them. The good news is that although I was nervous on the Christmas show, I worked well with my friends and we did it successfully.




The first time I climbed the mountain last week, my class went to climb the mountain. This was the first time I thought it was easy to climb to the top of the mountain. With the help of my classmates, I found that I was wrong.

I was very happy to climb to the top of the mountain.






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