
关于”2021“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:In English, 2021 can be translated as 2021.。以下是关于2021的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”2021“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:In English, 2021 can be translated as 2021.。以下是关于2021的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 2021 can be translated as 2021.

An Outstanding Student in 2021

2021 is an important year for students across the country as they partite in the Chinese National College Entrance Examination, commonly known as the "Gaokao". Among the many students, there is one outstanding student who has impressed everyone with his exceptional qualities and achievements.

This remarkable student, named Zhang Wei, has been an exemplary student throughout his academic journey. First and foremost, Zhang Wei has achieved remarkable academic results. He consistently ranks at the top of his class in all subjects, maintaining outstanding grades. His dedication and hard work have paid off, as he has received numerous awards and scholarships for his academic excellence.

Moreover, Zhang Wei possesses excellent leadership skills. He is the president of our school’s student council and actively partites in various extracurricular activities. Under his guidance, the student council has organized a series of successful events, such as charity bazaars and talent shows, which have left a positive impact on the community.

In addition, Zhang Wei is known for his kind-heartedness and willingness to help others. He regularly volunteers his time at local nursing homes, where he engages with the elderly and brings them joy. His compassion and empathy towards others inspire his peers and teachers alike.

Furthermore, Zhang Wei is a multi-talented individual. Besides his academic achievements, he is a skilled pianist and has won several awards in regional music competitions. He also actively partites in sports, representing our school in various athletic events.

In conclusion, Zhang Wei is an exceptional student who excels in academics, demonstrates exemplary leadership skills, possesses a compassionate heart, and is multi-talented. He sets an excellent example for his peers and is highly regarded by his teachers. With his outstanding qualities and achievements, he undoubtedly has a bright future ahead.








With the arrival of the2021 National College Entrance Examination, millions of high school students are under great pressure. As a result, some people argue that the College Entrance Examination should be abolished.


In my opinion, the College Entrance Examination should not be abolished. Here are several reasons:


Firstly, the College Entrance Examination is a fair way to select talented students. The scores of the examination reflect the students' academic abilities and potential, rather than their social status or family background.


Secondly, the College Entrance Examination can motivate students to study harder. During the preparation for the examination, students have to read a lot of books and materials, which can broaden their horizons and improve their critical thinking skills.


Thirdly, the College Entrance Examination is a necessary evaluation system for higher education institutions. It helps universities and colleges to s the students' academic abilities and potential, as well as to select the most suitable candidates for admission.


In conclusion, the College Entrance Examination is an effective way to evaluate students' academic abilities and potential, motivate students to study harder, and help universities and colleges to select the most suitable candidates for admission. Therefore, it should not be abolished.







Healthy living has become one of the most important topics in modern times. Modern people are too busy to take care of their bodies properly. However, a healthy body is the cornerstone of happiness. To maintain a healthy body, we need to have a healthy diet, sufficient exercise, regular check-ups, and so on.





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