




At the age of 20, will dominates 30, wisdom dominates 40. Judging the tragedy of life is not so much what people suffer, but what they miss. (Carlyle) (Carlisle to wise people, every day is a day of careful calculation (J W.

Gardner) genius is formed in quiet, and characters in the stream of life (Goethe) are ????????????????????????????????????????????ԡԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ????ԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ????????ԡ no matter where we are, each of us can write one or two words of our own on it (Lowell); nothing is great on earth, only human beings, nothing is great, only mind (Hamilton); all human things should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thought (Chekhov); life is just a series of efforts to make your mind more full (Socrates) life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises (Butler); life is not all about eating, because man is man and master of fate (Tennyson) the greatest happiness in life is the belief that we are loved (Hugo v. Hugo) there is a goal in life, otherwise your energy will be wasted (Peters) no one is worth or life unless he conquers its impotence every day. What makes life dull is the lack of motivation (George Eliot).


二十岁的时候,意志支配着30岁,智慧支配着40岁,判断()人生的悲剧与其说是人受了什么苦,倒不如说是他们错过了什么。(卡莱尔对明智的人来说,每天都是一个精打细算的日子(J W加德纳) 天才是在安静中形成的,生命之流中的人物(歌德) 无论在哪里,我们每个人都可以在上面写上自己的一两句话(罗威尔); 在地球上没有什么是伟大的,只有人的人没有什么是伟大的,只有头脑(汉密尔顿); 人的一切都应该是美丽的:脸,衣服,灵魂,和思想(契诃夫); 生活只是一系列努力使你的头脑更充实) 按照你的意愿生活永远活下去,像你的力量是有限的一样工作,别人活着是为了吃饭,当我为了生活而吃饭时(苏格拉底) 生活是一种从不足的前提中得出充分结论的艺术(巴特勒); 生活并不全是吃喝玩乐(休斯) 因为人是人,是命运的主人(丁尼生) 生活的最大幸福是我们被爱的信念(雨果诉雨果) 人生有目标,否则你的精力都将被浪费(彼得斯) 没有人值得自由或生活,除非他每天战胜它无能。 使生活沉闷的是缺乏动机(乔治·艾略特)。


Everyone is eager for happiness. Sometimes the happiness of everyone is abstract, sometimes very specific, sometimes far away, sometimes close to the dedication is happiness, giving happiness, obtaining happiness and enjoying happiness is happiness, an expression of understanding is spiritual happiness, happiness is a kind of life experience of friends, when you are immersed in the meal When the table is hard, my mother brings a glass of milk. Shannon will melt her love into the steaming milk.

I feel the happy maternal love. When my parents are happy to watch their children playing around them, I feel how happy they are. When they enjoy their children's family, the old people are ecstatic to see their children get married, and they smile for themselves late Years of pursuit of happiness, but not deliberately, when you inadvertently, happiness will quietly come to your side, happiness is a pair of long wings, and you will pass at any time, anywhere, therefore, we must grasp happiness, even if it still stays for more than a second.




It was a very busy evening. I was doing my homework at home. My father was writing a composition in the study room.

My mother was interested in Shanghai Opera. She was watching the Shanghai Opera Competition. The apartment was very quiet.

Suddenly, the lights went out. But I like it very much. I don't have to do my homework.

A few minutes later, we slowly went to the living room. We were all sitting on the sofa. It was a lucky day.

I said let's have a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles to light what we were singing.

We were talking and laughing. But when I was singing, the light suddenly came on. Oh, my God, my father went back to his room and continued to write about my mother turning on the TV to talk to me Love, do your homework.

I feel very depressed. I sit at my desk and think I hate light. I hope there will be a power failure the next day.

I will enjoy myself more and more. I have entered a dream.







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