




Hello everyone: I'm very glad to introduce myself here. I'm old this year. It's really exciting to work with you here.

I believe that for me, this is an opportunity to meet a friendly friend like you and an honest person. I believe we will become good friends. I am a reliable person and a diligent person.

I will seize the opportunity It's possible to work with you here and you'll fall in love with me. I hope we have a good time here. Thank you very much..




People have different attitudes towards work. Some people think that work is a way to realize the value of life, while others think that work is the whole of life and spare no effort to pursue a successful career. I think work is an essential part of our lives.

We can't live without work. Work is not only a means to support our family, but also an opportunity to realize our values. We can not only make a living, but also use and develop our abilities and talents to realize our value through work.

In addition, we can also make some friends through work, develop our interpersonal relationships, so as to enrich our life. Those who have no work will find their life so boring and insignificant. We should realize that work is only a means to realize the value of life, but it can not completely replace life itself.

Therefore, we should enjoy our work so that we can enjoy our life better. I believe that work is a part of life, so we should avoid being slaves to work.






Work and play are necessary for us. The former gives us knowledge, the latter gives us rest. An English proverb is very good: work while we work and play when we play.

It makes our lives happy, efficient and successful. Work is one thing, and entertainment is another. Working all day is not good, but playing is not good.

When you work all day, you should work hard. When you play, you will feel more relaxed and happy.







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