
关于”2021河南“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:2021 Henan。以下是关于2021河南的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”2021河南“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:2021 Henan。以下是关于2021河南的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:2021 Henan

An Outstanding Student in 2021

2021 has been a challenging year for everyone, but it has also witnessed the rise of outstanding individuals who have excelled in their studies. Among them stands a remarkable student from Henan province who has demonstrated exceptional abilities and achievements in English.


This student, named Li Ming, has always been passionate about learning English and consistently achieved outstanding results. With a strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary, Li Ming possesses excellent reading comprehension skills, allowing him to understand complex texts and extract key information effectively.


Moreover, Li Ming has developed remarkable writing skills. He can express his ideas and opinions clearly with fluent and coherent paragraphs. His essays are not only grammatically accurate but also demonstrate an impressive range of vocabulary and a deep understanding of the topic being discussed.


In addition to his language skills, Li Ming is an active partint in various extracurricular activities. He has joined English clubs and debates where he has enhanced his speaking and listening abilities. Through partiting in discussions and presentations, he has developed strong critical thinking skills and the ability to articulate his thoughts with confidence.


Furthermore, Li Ming's passion for English extends beyond the claoom. He actively engages with English literature by reading novels, short stories, and poems written by renowned English authors. This exposure to literature has enriched his understanding of the language and broadened his cultural horizons.


In recognition of his outstanding achievements, Li Ming has been awarded numerous accolades, including the first prize in an English writing competition and the title of "Outstanding English Student" in his school. His excellent performance in English has not only brought glory to himself but also inspired his peers to strive for excellence.


In conclusion, Li Ming is undoubtedly an exceptional student in 2021. With his outstanding language skills, active partition in extracurricular activities, and passion for English literature, he serves as an inspiration and role model for his peers. His achievements are a testament to the potential that lies within each of us when we dedicate ourselves to continuous learning and personal growth.



English Writing of Henan College Entrance Examination in 2021


Dear candidates, hello everyone! I would like to share some thoughts and suggestions about the English writing of Henan College Entrance Examination in 2021. As an English student, I fully understand the importance of the English writing test in the final score.


Firstly, we need to clarify the requirements for writing. Based on the experience of previous college entrance examinations, the topics of the essay usually involve social hot issues, humane care, technological innovation, and so on. Therefore, we should pay attention to news and events related to these areas, accumulate relevant vocabulary and sentence patterns.

其次,写作的逻辑和结构要清晰。我们要在文章中使用合适的连接词,如firstly, secondly, in addition, furthermore等,使文章逻辑严密、结构清晰。

Secondly, the logic and structure of the writing should be clear. We should use appropriate connecting words in the essay, such as firstly, secondly, in addition, furthermore, etc., to make the article logically coherent and structurally clear.


In addition, grammar and spelling are also crucial. We need to pay attention to the structure and tense of sentences and avoid grammatical errors. At the same time, we should be aware of the spelling and usage of words, avoiding spelling mistakes and confusion of word meanings that may have a negative impact on the essay.


Finally, we should pay attention to the expression and language style of the writing. The essay requires us to use rich vocabulary and flexible sentence structures. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the use of authentic expressions, avoiding the use of Chinglish.


Dear candidates, the English writing test for the college entrance examination is undoubtedly a challenge, but we should not be afraid and have confidence in ourselves. Through accumulation and constant practice in daily life, we will be able to achieve good results. Believe in yourself, and let's go for it!


The above are some suggestions for the English writing of Henan College Entrance Examination in 2021. I hope they can be helpful to everyone. I wish you all excellent results! Thank you!





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