
关于”植树节“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Arbor Day。以下是关于植树节的七年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”植树节“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Arbor Day。以下是关于植树节的七年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Arbor Day







March 12th is China's Arbor Day. This is our very important festival because the theme of Arbor Day is "Green China, Beautiful Home". On Arbor Day, various tree-planting activities will be carried out throughout the country, and schools, enterprises, and residential communities will actively partite.

Arbor Day not only makes us aware of the importance of protecting the environment, but also is an important moment for us to take action to protect the environment. Arbor Day is the time when we contribute to creating a beautiful home, and when we create a better life for future generations.

We should know that planting trees not only beautifies the environment, but also purifies the air, protects water and soil, prevents desertification, and promotes ecological balance. Through tree-planting activities, we can convey environmental protection concepts to the whole society, enhance the public's awareness of environmental protection, and promote green development.

Let us take action on this special day of Arbor Day, starting with ourselves, to protect the environment and contribute to creating a beautiful home.


When it comes to arbor day, we all know that it is a day to call on people to plant more trees and stop cutting down trees blindly. But few people know the story behind the tree planting day. The tree planting day is to commemorate Dr.

Sun Yat Sen. in the year when he promulgated the tree planting day, he always attached great importance to the first forest law in the history of afforestation. Later, the government and the people began to plant trees in spring, and Dr.

Sun Yat Sen passed away. In order to commemorate his great contribution to the country, the government decided that this day of every year was tree planting day, and the slogan of tree planting day was to embrace spring, Planting green trees is so important to our planet that naturalists compare trees to human lungs. Indeed, trees absorb carbon dioxide and other toxic gases, and release the oxygen on which life depends.

In the first place, many of the animals in the vicinity of the sea will be destroyed by the water and soil erosion, but the natural habitat will be destroyed by the deforestation of many animals in the vicinity of the earth, which will also be destroyed by the natural trees We are still surprised by Mr. Sun's foresight and wisdom. He knows that planting trees and protecting the environment are the foundation of developing a strong country..





For a long time, I haven't done anything beneficial to the environment. I think it will make my parents and teachers happy. I decided to plant a few trees on the mountain in the city and countryside with some friends on the tree planting day.

We came to the foot of the mountain, chose a suitable place and settled down. We spent hours digging holes and planting seedlings. We took many pictures of beautiful places.

We also wrote down our wish and buried it deep under the roots of trees. I soon felt tired, and though I didn't realize it, it was time to go. I looked up at the sky and saw all the wonderful features of mother nature.

I'm really happy that we can take part in this trip and swear that I will do my part to protect the environment.








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