
关于”两个朋友之间的对比“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The contrast between two friends。以下是关于两个朋友之间的对比的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”两个朋友之间的对比“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The contrast between two friends。以下是关于两个朋友之间的对比的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The contrast between two friends





I have two friends, one is Tom and the other is John. They have very different personalities and hobbies.

Tom is a quiet person who enjoys reading and writing. His English level is very high and he often wins English competitions at school. He likes to write stories and poetry and sometimes even small speeches. Tom thinks that English is a very important language and he hopes to better understand the world through learning English.

John is a lively and outgoing person who enjoys sports and travelling. His English level is not as good as Tom, but he is very good at socializing. He likes to make new friends and communicate with them. He thinks that English is a very practical language that can help him better understand the world and communicate with others.

Overall, Tom focuses on the academic use of English, while John focuses more on the practical value of English. They each have different ways of learning and using English, but they both consider it to be a very important language.


As an English expert, I would like to write an article about the comparison between two friends.


Friendship is an important element in our lives. Choosing friends who are compatible with us can greatly influence our personality and development. Today, I want to compare two of my friends who have opposite personalities when it comes to learning English.


The first friend, John, is a very outgoing person. He loves to socialize and loves to be the center of attention. However, when it comes to learning English, he struggles. He finds it difficult to concentrate and often gets distracted by his phone or other distractions around him. He also tends to avoid speaking in English because he is afraid of mistakes and being laughed at by others.


On the other hand, my other friend, Sarah, is more introverted and serious. She is not the type to seek attention but rather focuses on her studies and personal growth. When it comes to English, she is diligent and puts in the effort to improve. She sets aside time every day to practice speaking and listening. She is not afraid to make mistakes and is willing to learn from them.


In conclusion, the different personalities of my two friends have a significant impact on their English learning. While John's outgoing personality helps him in some areas of life, it hinders him in his English studies. Meanwhile, Sarah's introverted personality allows her to focus on her studies and improve her English skills. It is important to choose the right friends who complement our personalities and help us achieve our goals.









I have two great friends, Amy and Lisa. Despite their similarities, they have different personalities and interests.

Amy and Lisa are both very friendly and helpful. Whether at school or in life, they are always willing to lend a hand and share with others. Whatever problem you encounter, they will try their best to offer help and support.

However, Amy and Lisa differ in their interests and hobbies. Amy is passionate about music. She loves singing and playing musical instruments. She often partites in music competitions at school and plays an important role in the school band. Besides music, Amy enjoys reading and writing. She frequently takes part in various writing activities in the school's literary club.

In contrast, Lisa has a strong interest in sports. She is a member of the school basketball team and is an excellent athlete. She trains every day to improve her skills. Besides basketball, Lisa enjoys running, swimming, and playing table tennis. She believes that sports are crucial for maintaining health and vitality.

Moreover, Amy and Lisa also have some differences in their personalities. Amy is a quiet and introverted person. She is cautious and not good at expressing her feelings. However, she always listens well to others' problems and offers appropriate advice. On the other hand, Lisa is an outgoing and extroverted person. She is always energetic and optimistic, easily establishing connections with others.

Overall, Amy and Lisa are two great friends, despite their different personalities and interests. Their friendship is strong because they respect and appreciate each other's differences, and offer mutual support and help.




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