
关于”生演讲稿“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The English translation of 生活演讲稿 is speech draft for life.。以下是关于生演讲稿的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”生演讲稿“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The English translation of 生活演讲稿 is speech draft for life.。以下是关于生演讲稿的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The English translation of 生活演讲稿 is speech draft for life.

Chinese culture Chinese culture is the result of many years of art, philosophy, politics and scientific progress. Although regional differences provide diversity, language and religion have common ground connecting a culture characterized by Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism is the official philosophy.

Throughout most of the history of imperialist China, Chinese traditional culture has been deeply influenced by it. Since the middle of the century, western economy has been greatly influenced by it And military forces began to rise in China. However, the non Chinese social and political organization system has won supporters in China.

Some of them may completely reject the cultural heritage of Chinese reformers. Although others seek to combine the advantages of Chinese and Western cultures in essence, the history of China is an attempt to find a new social, political and economic organization After the collapse of the dynasty, the state was reintegrated into society.




Dear students, I am very honored to have the opportunity to give a speech here, and I am very grateful. I am deeply impressed by the excellent speeches made by the previous candidates. I will prove that I am the best candidate for the president of the student union.

First of all, I am outgoing and get along well with everyone. My classmates and teachers have accumulated a lot of work experience and communication skills. In addition, I have initiative and creativity.

Although our student union is well organized, it lacks all kinds of activities that our students are interested in and can partite in. I promise that if I am elected, I will change the status quo and make the student union a bridge between students and schools. Therefore, my smart friends, vote for yourself and vote for me, because I am your hope Hope, it's your best choice.

Thank you.




Time is a very strange thing. It makes all diseases and deaths have their birth. From that moment on, time has passed.

How can we seize the opportunity to seize life and become the master of our own destiny? I once thought about a question: when do I think that time is the runway of the soul in life, and it is responsible for completing a task Detachment can't retrieve the past. The past is a good time. No matter it is painful or painful, we have to stay in our memory.

Our experience occasionally enriches and matures our thoughts and memories, which can adjust our emotions and purify our hearts. It is really infatuated with the old things, isn't it? It is advisable because now more importantly, I have read a Book of Soviet writer Ni In the book "how to make steel" by gulas Alec Ostrowski, I was deeply impressed by this passage: "life belongs to the people only once. A person's life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he does not regret the wasted years, not because of shame.

In death, he will say:" my own life and energy are dedicated to The most magnificent cause in the world, the cause of human beings and the struggle for liberation. "Yes, the time of life is more precious. Especially in my youth from now on, I have heard such a story: a small grass under the rubble and stone is a will eager for sunshine to reach its health.

No matter how heavy the stone is, how narrow the difference between stone and stone is Distance, it is always zigzag, tenacious and upward through the ground, its roots to the soil, the buds grow to the ground, this is an irresistible force of life, to prevent its stones from being thrown onto the lake of grass, people can not help but sigh that life will be like this, like grass, no matter under what cirtances, progress will never bow down, the only way of life is the best, The most meaningful time is the most essential. Time is gone for ever. We must cherish this wonderful time, study hard and grow up, and serve the motherland.

That is what we call "one inch inch golden time". The time we spend in gold is golden, so we cherish the light that we are accompanying with it..






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